Chapter 9

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Outside, it felt like I could finally breathe even while trying to keep up with Jake's marathon pace. The atmosphere in the house was stuffy and had way too much testosterone flying around.

He continued to tug me behind him, although a little slower now, until we were close to his house. Reaching the walkway that led to his mother's gardens, he headed toward a stone bench next to a fountain. And when I say fountain, I mean a mini-pool with waterfalls and lily pads with gigantic fish made of gold swimming around in there. The sound of falling water slapping the pool's surface was supposed to be magical, relieving my pent-up nerves. But instead, they drummed an irritating beat putting me more and more on edge.

Jake swung me around a little too quickly causing me to lose my balance, but I recovered. Because, with his hands now firmly placed on my shoulders, I wasn't falling anywhere.

Those emerald gems planted where his eyes should be tick tocked back and forth like a tennis match. My mind began to race.

Was he going to tell me he no longer wanted to be friends? Or that he had had enough of playing the brotherly role?

Even inside my own head those thoughts sounded ridiculous. In all the years we've been together, I've pissed him off at least a thousand times, argued almost daily and he's never gone anywhere. Jake liked having me around. He liked having a sister. A best friend. His safe Melody.

So what was up?

"I don't like him being in the house with you," his grip tightened. "Alone."

Well that just came from left field.

If he wanted to knock me over, he could have just let go of my shoulders and pushed me backwards. But thank goodness he still held on.

Casting my eyes to his chest, I realized too quickly I had hoped he was jealous. But that was just illogical and the sour taste it left in my mouth was making the corner of my lip curl. No. Jake was just doing his superhero brotherly duties and the one he concentrated on right now was protector.

I knew he was waiting for me to respond but at the moment, words escaped me. Well actually, I just chose not to say them. Oh I had some words, alright. They were choice ones too. But now was not the time to get into a heated debate on his like or dislike of the guy currently alone in my house.

Before I could stop them, pictures of Kyle rummaging through my panty drawer had me shaking my head. Panic rose to my throat.

Not my Hello Kittys! What if he finds my Spiderman bikini cuts? That would give him all kinds of ammunition for blackmailing.

Pushing, I tried to sidestep Jake so I could run back to the house and stop Kyle, but his firm grip held me in place.

"Did you not hear me?" the tone in his voice bitter.

Looking up, I was slightly taken aback at how he was looking down at me. Like he was my father.

Eh. That just gave me the willies.

"I heard you," I said. "And, I don't care." Of course, that just made everything better.

His mouth agape, "You're not being serious."

I let out an annoyed breath. "When did you start doubting me in taking things seriously?" I demanded in a harsh tone. "When have I ever not taken things seriously?"

"Exactly," he stated flatly. "So why aren't you taking this seriously?"

"I am," I said realizing that if I said anymore, his eyes would bulge out of their sockets. I couldn't just tell him I liked Kyle.

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