Chapter 50

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Whoooo! 50th Chapter! Probably half way done with the book or something. It's raining outside :/

I'm so sorry for not updating sooner! We just moved and I couldn't get internet for a few days.


Y/N was silently praying for John and Don in her room. She wasn't usually a religious type but she wasn't the one to lose that either. After they said goodbye, everyone went back to the Jupiter to mind their own business. Maureen was in the control room getting ready to be the navigation system for the people who were now going to be hurtling into space in only a few minutes.

There were already colonists gathered outside getting ready to see the launch. Judy and Penny were outside with everyone else and Will was god knows where.

She sighed and got up, brushing off her pants. She wanted to be with Will, she knew it would be harder on him. Y/N may be young, but she was very intelligent and understanding for her age.

She first roamed the Jupiter to look for him. She couldn't find anyone but Maureen in there. She didn't check the basement because she was told not too. Will would probably be outside then.

Y/N took her jacket and walked off the ramp looking for the familiar boy. Her eyes scanned the scene and she could see a lot of people. It's just that none of them were who she was looking for.

She sighed and walked up to Judy and Penny who were sitting on a box away from everyone else.

"Hey guys, uh, do you know where Will is," Y/N asked.

Judy looked up at her and furrowed her brows. "Nope. Haven't seen him come out yet."

Y/N nodded slowly and sat down on the grass. Maybe he'd be out in a few minutes.

She brought her knees up to her chin and wrapped her arms around them. The launch site wasn't far so they'd be seeing them really close up.

Then, Y/N heard some clatters from behind her. He turned around to see Vijay rearranging the boxes he tipped over in a nervous rush. She followed his eyes to Penny who seemed to have not heard the sound and was looking forward.

What happened between them?

Y/N looked forward again and started to search for Will again. He could also be watching from the Jupiter. Or maybe he didn't even want to watch. H was interrupted by her thoughts when the colonists started to count down from 10. She joined in at 5.

Everyone else started to join in until it was at one. There was a huge blasting sound from the distance and they could see the orange/blue flames of the Jupiter Don and John were in. Ge colonists cheered, Penny, Judy and Y/N's were the loudest.

Y/N smiled and returned a hug that Penny and Judy were giving her. It was all happiness and fun until another blast was heard, this one was however, terrifying.

They all watched in horror as the spot the flying Jupiter was in was replaced in flames. The large orange flames.

Nobody talked. It was quite quiet. Only the roaring flames from afar could be heard.

Y/N hands reached her mouth as she stood up from her place on the box. She heard a small son escape the lips of Penny and the snuggling sound of a Judy with eyes that were so wide, you'd think she broke a record.

There were small murmurs from the colonists as one by one, people started to leave.

At the end, they three girls were still replaying the horrific scene in their head.

I can't watch Netflix so please excuse me if I got something wrong.

Starry Eyed- Will Robinson x Reader (Lost in Space)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora