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Aria's POV

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Aria's POV


Scars on my body might even fade away as time passes. But the scars he left on my mind, in my heart, how he stepped on my self esteem, crushed my soul under the weight of his sins, can never go away.

They do say that time heals everything, but it doesn't. It doesn't. Tears covered with tissues, frown covered with smile and scars covered by fabric, you can only ever cover them, you cannot heal them and you can definitely not forget them.

Scars are a constant reminder of what you had gone through, yes, but they also show how strong you had been at the moment to not let yourself drown. They show that you survived, you survived your greatest sufferings, your deepest wounds and your fears.

I was young, had recently lost my parents, the only other person left for me in the world, my brother, abused me, hated me. I was a loner, at school, everyone pitied me. No one talked to me for who I was.

They always had a look which says ' poor thing '. And I hated that. And when among all this, someone took a step forward towards me, who I thought liked me for who I am, the only person who gave me his attention, I mistook his attention for love. Stupid love.

I was an idiot. Stupid. But what would I have done? I had no fucking person by my side, I missed my parents their love, their care , their warmth and when someone decided to show all of this to me, I couldn't help but fall for it. His charms. His fake charms, fake persona.

In reality, he was a monster, a beast. He totally had me under his control. Even when he mistreated me, I could not go away from him, why? Because I was pathetic. Even though he mistreated me, he still gave me attention. He still was there with me.

I knew he was wrong, but I had no courage, no courage to speak against him or to fight him. And clearly, I still don't.

He knew everything about me. My weaknesses, my fears, my deepest secrets and my dark past. He held my weak nerve whenever he wanted, he used me however he wanted, he destroyed me, where ever he wanted.

And I mistook everything for love. I loved him. I did. But now the only thing I feel for him is fear, sheer fear. I did feel disgust for him before, but now I fear him, terrible and uncontrollable fear.

He broke me, into so many pieces that one could make a puzzle out of it and right now, that's what my life is, a puzzle. And it is the hardest one, no one can fix it. No one.

I just have to live with myself, with my scars without anyone by my side. Because no one wants a broken piece from a set.

When my own brother can't stay by my side, who will? Of course no one.

I wish the ' no one ' had a name.

I wish someone would fix me.

I wish someone would love me and my scars.

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