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     All she could do is stare at him. His words felt like a semi-truck crashing against her body and (Y/n) couldn't feel for a solid ten seconds. She had her suspicions about Sangwoo, she knew that the fact that both his parents were gone wasn't a good sign, but she hadn't exactly wanted to think about what could have happened to them. (Y/n) often told herself that she barely remembered the girl that Sangwoo was talking about, but that was a huge lie. When he meant bullying, he was serious. All their lives they had been best friends, so often enough girls in their classes wouldn't like (Y/n) all that much (at least, as long as they were straight). She never exactly cared, they didn't bother her, not like Rika did, anyway. That girl had made (Y/n)'s life a living hell and she would never be able to forget about her.

     That didn't mean (Y/n) wanted her to get murdered by her psychopath of a captor. (Y/n) didn't believe people deserved to get murdered unless they were seriously messed up people, predators for example, because that's not something you can come back from. She was ninety-percent sure that Rika had some kind of mental illness, so she had never held the girls actions against her, but apparently Sangwoo hadn't seen that as clearly as she had.

     It was utterly terrifying, the smile he had on his face, that is. He looked genuinely happy, and it was sickening. It had been years ago, Rika could have been a sweet girl, but he had just... went off and killed her. (Y/n) felt, for the first time in a long time, genuinely angry with Sangwoo. She didn't get angry like this often with him, frustrated, yes, but angry? It was a burning sensation in her chest first, and she expected herself to start yelling at him, hitting him, anything that would make her feel better. Instead...

     She started to cry.

     (Y/n) didn't notice the tears at first because she hadn't recognized that she was sad. Not just about Rika, but about her whole situation. She loved Sangwoo, that would never change because they had a close bond before all of this happened. She couldn't stop loving him and she hated herself for it. She missed her brother, she missed being able to do things that she wanted without someone breathing down her neck, and she missed being with Sangwoo normally. (Y/n) wasn't delusional, but she wish that she was. It would make her life so much easier.

     He sees her tears well up in her (E/c) irises and he suddenly feels like he's done something wrong. Sangwoo doesn't feel guilty for what he's done, not in the slightest, but he feels a punch in his gut when he realizes that he's made his best friend cry. He didn't think that telling her about Riko, or whatever that woman's name was, would upset (Y/n). Her life was made an absolute hell because of her and Sangwoo couldn't figure out why (Y/n) was suddenly crying. She was trying to hide it, suddenly, maybe she hadn't even realized that she was crying?

     (Y/n) lifts her arm, the sleeve of her sweater covering her eyes as she tries to wipe away the wetness of her tears. She could feel the soft fur of Jisoo's head tickle under her chin, it's comforting. She wants him to go away and never come back. (Y/n) wants him to leave her alone. However, she does nothing when he wraps his arms around her, trying to sooth her tears. She wants to push him away, but she doesn't.

     (Y/n) suddenly comes to the realization that there is no point. 

[I just finished the last chapters of KS and I thought it was supposed to make me sad??? I'm fine and I'm genuinely confused because did people actually think that things were... okay with Bum and Sangwoo?


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