Chapter 22 Switching sides

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Dylan's point of view:

Once again, Lizzie was sitting by James at lunch. How could she be falling for that jerk? I was better then him! I wanted to say hi to Lizzie, but I didn't want to get punched in the face by James. He probably knew about our date tonight, the whole school knew by now. I decided to sit next to Lizzie because it would make her feel more special and she'd be warming up to me more when tonight came. Also, she can then realize how much better I am then James.

I strutted over to where they were sitting with confidence. "Hey Lizzie!" I gleefully said. I then glanced over at James and stared into his eyes while saying, "I can't wait for tonight." He looked at me with a disgusted look planted in his face.

"It should be fun." Lizzie commented.

"If you get any ideas man I'll-" James started to say but then Lizzie cut him off.

"James, it'll be fine." She looked at me with an unstable glance, but she didn't want to appear weak. "It's just one date. Nothing's gonna happen." James rudely grunted and rolled his eyes.

I made sure to keep talking about our date tonight to make James pissed. "So what are you going to wear?" I asked Lizzie and she munched on her chicken salad.

"I'm not saying!" She squealed. "It's going to be a surprise!"

"Don't dress to slutty," James added. "he might get an idea."

"James!" Lizzie was shocked by the was he was acting and she was getting fed up with his childish remarks. "Knock it off."

"James, you don't have to worry." I calmly said. but James' eyes locked with mine and I stared intensity into his eyes. "I'm going to be a perfect gentleman." I winked and that's when he blew!

"That's it!" James yelled as he stood up and yanked me out of my seat. "You can mess with me buddy but you leave Elizabeth alone! Got it!" James yelled and he drew the attention of a few tables.

"You can't speak for Lizzie. If she wants to go out with me, then she can." I looked deep into his eyes, making sure I was staring daggers into them. "You're not her boyfriend!" James gulped. "You don't have control over her. So back off." I said as he let go of my shirt and gave me a harsh shove.

"Come on Elizabeth," James said as he picked up his tray. "let's get out of here." He started to walk away. but Lizzie didn't move. "What's wrong?" James questioned Lizzie.

"I'm going to stay here with Dylan until you can figure out how to control your temper."

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