58 | Death Scares

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Fred and Y/n walked in the Great Hall hand-in-hand after having given a break from the fight by You-Know-Who himself. Y/n looked around and noticed a few motionless bodies laying on makeshift beds, two of which being Tonks and Lupin. She felt the tears in her eyes building up upon the sight of them.

''Georgie . . .?''

Y/n looked up when Fred spoke, to see him tooking at something in front of them. There, in a huddle, the Weasleys were surrounding a body. My breath hitched upon the realization.

The two rushed over to the family, kneeling down next to George. Y/n couldn't see if his chest was raising up and down. If it was, he was barely breathing. Picking up his hand, she put her fingers on his wrist, waiting to feel his heart beating. Moments passed, but nothing.

Y/n looked up and saw Fred looking at his arm expectedly. Her eyes started watering upon realizing what that meant.

A heartbeat.

She jumped when she felt it, even though it could barely be felt. It didn't matter, though, because it was there. George was a alive. I let out a shaky laugh, the relief taking over my whole body.

''He's alive,'' she informed everyone and the whole atmosphere became must more relaxed. ''He's just unconscious.''

''Thank Merlin,'' Molly whispered, putting her hands over her face.

Y/n crossed my legs and put her head in her hands, happy tears running down her cheeks. They were fine. All of them were fine and she was beyond happy.

- - -

The sun was pocking from the horizon, the morning arriving way faster than she'd expected. There was still no sight of Harry, who'd gone to face Voldemort earlier. Everyone started to get worried, considering it's been a while since he'd gone.

Fred and Y/n supported George as the three of them walked alongside everyone towards the courtyard. They could see the Death Eaters, led by Voldemort himself, coming towards the school. A big man was walking amongst them - Hagrid. Looking at his arms, Y/n gasped slightly at who he was carrying.

''Harry Potter is dead!'' Voldemort announced and started manically laughing. For the umpteenth time today, Y/n felt her eyes burn with tears as she watched Harry's limp body in Hagrid's arms.

No. It couldn't end like this. That's not what was supposed to happen, she refused to accept it.

Ginny's scream was painful to hear and her heart ached even more as Neville walked over to the Death Eater side.

''And who is this?'' asked Voldemort. One of the Death Eathers explained that it was Neville and how he'd been giving the Carrows a lot of trouble, and how his parents were Aurors. ''Ah, yes, I remember. But you're a pureblood, aren't you, my boy?''

''So what if I am?'' snapped Neville.

''You know spirit, and bravery, and you come out of noble stock. You will make a very valuable Death Eater. We need your kind, Neville Longbottom.''

''I'll join you when hell freezes over,'' said Neville. ''Dumbledore's Army!'' he shouted, and there was an answering cheer from the crowd, Fred, George and Y/n cheering along.

''Very well,'' Voldemort said. ''If that's your choice, Longbottom, we revert to the roginal plan. On your head,'' he said quietly, ''be it.''

As Voldemort waved his, wand a bird flew out of the castle, breaking some of the remaining windows on its way. It brought out the sorting hat, bringing it right to Voldemort.

''There will be no more sorting at Hogwarts School,'' Voldemort announced. ''There will be no more houses. The emblem, shield and colors of my noble ancestor, Salazar Slytherin, will suffice for everyone, won't they, Neville Longbottom?''

Many things happened at the same moment.

Neville was attacked, giants attacked other giants, Neville removed the Sorting Hat from his head and pulled out the Sword of Gryffindor, then proceeded to slash Voldemort's snake's head off. Harry sprung up, showing that he was alive the whole time, and the battle resumed.

Fred and Y/n had to break off, as he ran over to help George and Lee with Yaxley, whilst Y/n followed her old Head of the House, heading towards Voldemort. McGonagall, Slughorn, Kingsley and Y/n all battled You-Know-Who with all their might, yet he was still able to fight them just as strong.

''I don't want anyone to try to help!'' Harry's voice rang through the battlefield and everyone stopped, looking at him. ''It's got to be like this, it's got to be me.''

''Potter doesn't mean that,'' Voldemort said, his red eyes wide. ''That isn't how it works, isn't it? Who are you going to use as a shield today, Potter?''

''Nobody,'' Harry said simply. ''There are no more Horcruxes. It's just you and me. Neither can live while the other survives, and one of us is about to leave for good . . .''

''One of us? You think it will be you, do you, the boy who has survived by accident, and because Dumbledore was pulling the strings?''

''Accident, was it, when my mom died to save me?'' asked Harry. They were moving sideways, both of them, in that percent circle, maintaining the same distance from each other. ''Accident, when I decided to fight in that graveyard? Accident, that I didn't defend myself tonight, and still survived, and returned to fight again?''

''Accidents!'' screamed Voldemort, but did not strike. ''Accident and chance and the fact that you crouched and snivelled behind the skirts of greater men and women, and permitted me to kill them for you!''

''You won't be killing anyone else tonight,'' said Harry. ''You won't be able to kill any of them again. Don't you get it? I was ready to die to stop you hurting these people-''

''But you did not!''

They talked, then battled, while the rest just stood on the sidelines and watched. They watched as Voldemort practically disolved, putting an end to the fight. It was over.

It took a moment, but the cheers were louder than people cheering on their favorite Quidditch team. It was over, finally, after years of terrorization and murder, he was gone for good.

They were free.

He Calls Me Love | Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now