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"Evil is a source of moral intelligence in the sense that we need to learn from our shadow, from our dark side, in order to be good." -- John Bradshaw

++ C H A P T E R | F Ø U R T E E N ++

When Elliott arrived at work, Wes wasn't there. Elliott couldn't help the sinking feeling he got in his stomach that meant he missed Wes. Elliott ignored it and shook it off, taking place at the counter where he'd grown accustomed to standing over the past week. Elliott found that working was nice - it kept his mind occupied, usually.

Customers streamed in, and Elliott was feeling tired. A woman worked alongside him - someone he didn't know. Elliott hadn't had the time to talk to the other workers, and besides Wes, the others were older. Not exactly people Elliott could readily relate to.

In the middle of ringing up a usual customer, Wes entered the shop with a wide smile on his face. "Elliott, you're here! Good, I have something to show you."

Elliott had expected Wes to question him about running off yesterday, but Wes said nothing of the sort as he sauntered out back, humming a tune under his breath. Elliott had never seen Wes so happy, which tipped him off that whatever Wes had to show him was something important.

After finishing with the customer, Elliott rushed out back, almost giddy. He watched as Wes rolled his sleeves up to his elbows. Elliott watched as he sunk his hands into the pie dough, beginning to knead it. Elliott watched his arm muscles with fascination and wondered, not for the first time, why he didn't have nice muscles, or why he wasn't like the other guys.

"Are you just going to stare?" Wes joked. "You could have told me you were there." Wes took his hands from the dough and took off his gloves. "Come out back."

Elliott followed, fighting the smile that wanted to take over his face. He hadn't even seen the surprise yet and he still felt happy! Elliott knew the danger of falling too fast into this friendship, but he almost didn't care. Wes was so nice and entertaining. He didn't question Elliott on anything. He gave awesome advice. And, to top it all off, he seemed to actually care.

This was dangerous territory, but Elliott didn't care.

"Look, look!"

Elliott looked to where Wes was pointing, and felt a strange smile touch his lips. There, in the cow pen, was a baby cow. Wes had been talking all week about the calf and when it would be born. It seemed today was the day.

"My dad told me she was born this morning. I've been gone all day, but I thought you should see this! Crazy, isn't it?"

Elliott could only nod his head. He could barely believe the sight in front of him. The baby cow was adorable and clumsy, but Elliott loved that. The surprise was everything Elliott needed. A glimpse into the magic that occurs daily.

"Yeah. It is." Then, Elliott turned towards Wes, craning his head back to look him in the eye. "I'm glad you showed up. I didn't think you were coming."

Wes smiled, but said nothing. His eyes looked upset, something Elliott knew too much about. This also was why he didn't pester Wes - he knew how it felt to have people breathing down his neck and knew Wes would hate it. Elliott wanted to know what had happened, but respected his co-worker too much to pry.

"Well, the counter isn't going to ring up customers by itself." Elliott added, gesturing towards the shop and changing the subject before it could become too awkward.

Wes was grateful for the distraction Elliott was providing, which only made him feel worse. He'd known Elliott a week and already things were changing. He wanted to be Elliott's friend. There was something about the boy that made Wes want to protect him.

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