Chapter 8: Ronan

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[REVISED - 6/11/22]

Finn returns to the Winnebago an hour later, his face smeared with blood. He looks like Banquo's ghost.

"It's okay," he says. "Just a nosebleed."

I scramble to find a towel while Andy rushes forward, throwing her arms around Rick Astley's neck. Then everybody is asking questions in a rush: "What happened? How did you find Ricky? We heard a scream, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Finn says, though the blood dripping down his chin makes me hesitant to agree. "I must've chased Ricky around the RV a dozen times. He's a freakin' speed demon. Eventually, he stopped to do his, er, business, and that's when I caught him. It's not a big deal. Really. I just did what anyone else would've done."

"It's a big deal to me," Andy says, her words muffled by Ricky's fur coat. "I owe you, like, a million pieces of Sorrento's garlic bread."

"I might take you up on that offer."

Talia lets out a nervous laugh, and Finn smiles. I can see the cogs turning in his head, the thoughts he's probably thinking: I did. I saved the day.

Always the hero...

I toss Finn a pool towel. He returns it with a quizzical look. "What's this for?"

"Your nose, moron. It's dripping blood everywhere."

"Oh. Right." Finn tilts his head back and presses the towel against his face. When he speaks, his nasally voice is a spot-on imitation of Mr. Burns from The Simpsons. It might've been funny if I hadn't spent the last half-hour wondering if he was laying dead in a ditch. "Yeah, don't worry about me. I have a sensitive nose. When I was a kid, I'd get nosebleeds every time my mom turned on the AC. If the air is too hot or dry my nose explodes like a fire hydrant--"

"We get it," I say, holding up a hand. "Listen, I don't want to break up the happy reunion, but it's almost midnight, and we should definitely head back to town soon. Finn, you need to get cleaned up. And Andy-- didn't you mention something about curfew?"

"Ah, shit!" Andy smacks a palm against her forehead. "I can't believe I forgot. Joyce is going to murder me!"

"Hey, my car is still at Sorrento's," Talia offers. "If we speed walk there, I can get you and Oliver home before twelve."

Andy lets go of Ricky, staring up at Talia with wide eyes like she's about to pull her into a hug too. "Really?"

"Of course. It's the least I can do."

That settles it. Andy, Oliver, and Talia gather their things, promising to recycle the clinking bag of wine and beer bottles on the way back to town, and head off down the side of the deserted highway. Finn watches them leave. I can't tell what he's thinking with the towel hiding most of his face, but I assume he's worried. About his friends, about Ricky, and a dozen other things outside his control.

Finally, he breaks his silence. "Let's get out of here."

I couldn't agree more.


When we return to the hotel room, there's an unfamiliar woman standing in the doorway. She has blazing red hair and a smattering of freckles across her cheeks. I don't need an introduction to know who she is-- the similarities between Finn and his mother are striking.

I can't tell if this meeting is an ambush or an accident. Finn looks equally bewildered, and as soon as we walk through the door, he says, "Mom, what are you doing up so late?"

"I was waiting for you. We need to talk." Definitely an ambush, then. "Who is this?"

"Ronan Lockwood," I say, holding out my hand for her to shake. Might as well make a good first impression if I'm spending the rest of the summer here. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Allen. Thanks again for inviting me."

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