𝖎.𝖝𝖎𝖛 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖙

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"ATTENTION TRIBUTES. TOMORROW at dawn, there will be a feast at the Cornucopia. Each of you needs something desperately, and we plan to be generous hosts. This will be the only announcement." Cladius Templesmith's voice echoed throughout the arena.

Once his announcement ended, the anthem played immediately, and the sky lit up, showing the fallen from that day. Haven shivered when she saw Max's photo, the guilt of another death she caused weighing down on her. The pain she felt increased tenfold when she saw Spencer's picture; her friend had sacrificed himself for her, and she knew she would never be able to repay him.

"It's just us, District 1, the boy from 6 and the girl from 9 left." Roxy commented.

Haven glanced over at Roxy's leg, which looked like it would become quite infected if she didn't get medicine for it soon. "I'm going to the feast tomorrow. Alone." The blonde said. "No, no I'm coming with you. I'm not letting you go by yourself." Roxy insisted.

"Like hell you're coming with me. You probably can't even walk." Haven scolded her. "Fine. Thank you." The ginger replied.

The next morning, Haven secured her knives in her belt and grabbed her spear, leaving the rest of her things in Roxy's care.

"Don't die." Roxy joked, but Haven could detect her sincerity underneath.

"Same goes for you." The blonde replied before squeezing out of the cave. The sun was shining, and a lot of the snow had melted. Haven assumed the Gamemakers did that to help guide them to the Cornucopia.

After walking for about 30 minutes, the large metal structure came into the girl's view. She got closer, remaining in the tree line so she could stay hidden. In front of the Cornucopia was a table with five bags on top, each labeled with a number representing one of the remaining districts: 1, 4, 5, 6 and 9.

The Cleary girl glanced around for the others, before deciding she was going to make a run for it. Her hand wrapped around her spear, Haven took off sprinting towards the table. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, and she ran faster than she ever had before.

Suddenly, the blonde found herself on the ground, the wind knocked out of her. The culprit was the boy from District 6, Easton, who tackled the blonde from behind, bringing her to the ground. Easton wrapped his hands around Haven's neck, the girl struggling for air.

Her reflexes kicked in, and she forcefully jerked her knee up, hitting his groin. He recoiled in pain, and Haven took the opportunity to flip the boy over, pinning him down under her weight. She took a deep breath, before pulling a knife out of her belt, and slitting the boy's neck, the damage to his carotid artery instantly killing him.


The girl shakily stood up, still slightly in shock from what she'd just done. She ran the few more feet to the table, and slung the two bags labeled "4" and "5" over her shoulders. Haven booked it out of the clearing, not stopping until she was well into the tree line.

While walking back to the cave, she heard another cannon.


The blonde took off sprinting once again, panting by the time she reached the cave. Relief flooded her once she saw her ally sitting in the cave.

"Oh my god Roxy I heard the cannon, I thought someone found you." Haven said, exhasperated.

"You're the one I was worried about. What took you so long?" The ginger questioned. "An... altercation with the boy from 6." Haven replied, Roxy immediately understanding what had happened from her tone.

"Here." Haven called, lightly tossing Roxy her bag. The redhead opened it, finding a tin with salve in it, bandages, and antiseptic solution. The girl got to work, treating her severe wound.

Haven grabbed her bag, which was significantly smaller than Roxy's. The blonde wasn't really sure what she needed, so she was quite curious to see what was inside.

She zipped open the bag, and an envelope fell out. Confused, the blonde opened it, finding a letter inside.


For the feast each year, the mentors are supposed to pick out whatever their tribute needs most desperately. Some need medicine, a weapon, or even fresh water.

You don't need any of that. You've survived this far based on your grit alone. We've all noticed the pain you're going through, even through the screen.

Haven, what you need most is a reminder of what's waiting for you outside the arena: your parents, Ashlyn, Sawyer, and of course all of us. Don't lose sight of why you're fighting Haven. You're so close, you've got this.

See you soon
- Mallory, Garrett, Collin, Chlöe, Sebastian & Finnick

Tears welled in the girl's eyes. Each kill she made, each death she witnessed, and the pain it caused distracted her more and more from why she was fighting. Her mentors knew she needed this reminder. She was fighting to go home. Not just to District 4 itself, but to the people she called home too.

// author's note
bit of a shorter chapter! the games are going to be coming to an end soon eek🤭
thank you so very much for reading!! please leave some comments or a vote i would very much appreciate it! you guys are the best
- a <3

// author's notebit of a shorter chapter! the games are going to be coming to an end soon eek🤭thank you so very much for reading!! please leave some comments or a vote i would very much appreciate it! you guys are the best- a <3

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