chapter 14

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Ella's POV:

I rubbed my eyes as I felt the sun hit my skin.
Argh the light is way too much, I opened my eyes to see my mom.
She smiled and walked out, wow her reaction is surprising though.
I looked back and saw I'm in Gabriel's arms, I blushed a little. I sat up, I found myself staring at his cute face.
I smiled, I touched his face a little. His lips are so tempting.
I felt him hold my hand and kissed it, a strange sensation built in my body.
I love him, there's no denial. I'm really a fool, but why did God create him this way.
It's so hard to say no to him.
"Good morning pretty" he said.
"Good...morning Gabriel" I replied getting up.
My heart is beating so fast just looking at him so I looked away.
He walked into my bathroom, he stayed long without coming out.
Then I heard the shower running, he came out after a while wearing my towel with his hair dripping wet.
My eyes couldn't go off his body, his abs and tattoo are so amazing. I closed my eyes and opened them, he is already in front of me.
My hands are shaking, "Do you like what you see?"
His hand went down my waist, my breathing became erratic.
"Gabriel..." Was all I could utter.
He slowly brought his head down and captured my lips with his, my hands suddenly found its way to his abs.
I feel a burning desire that I never wanted to end, we fell on the bed.
The kissing became rough this time, the door suddenly flung open revealing Andrew and Daniela.
"Oh sorry" they said and went out.
We stared at each other before disengaging.
I walked downstairs to meet Daniela and Andrew.
Daniela is in the living but Andrew is outside, I hugged her.
"How are you doing Ella? I was so worried" She asked smiling.
Gabriel was already done by then, he came down and went out after saying hi to Daniela. I guess he's going to talk to Andrew.
Daniela dragged me to the kitchen where my mom is making breakfast.
"Tell me what we saw in your bedroom is not true" she said.
"Well... It's true Daniela. I really don't know how to explain though" I said.
"You have to be careful Ella... You know Andrew likes you a lot and Gabriel's the father of William. And those two... Tell me Ella, how do you feel about them"
I sighed, "Andrew, I like him a lot. He's very nice and caring and I like being with him..."
Mom watched silently.
"And Gabriel?"
"Gabriel... I was mad at him for what he did to me but deep inside I never stopped loving him. It seems the child even brought us closer... I'm a big fool for him Daniela, I love him way too much" I said.
"I just hope those two don't have a fight" Daniela sighed.
"You need to let them both know how you feel and where they stand. Please I don't want any trouble for you or my grandson anymore" Mom added.
I nodded and went out, They were giving each other weird looks.
"Ummm... Gabriel can I speak with Andrew alone please?" I asked.
"I'll be inside... I'll go check on my son" he said proudly and left.
I palmed my face and looked at Andrew, "ummm... Hi"
"How are you doing?" He asked and hugged me.
"I'm...fine Andrew and you?"
"I missed you Ella... Tell me something... Are you and Gabriel a thing?"
I gulped, how do I tell him this without making him feel bad.
"Well... The thing is... I Gabriel"
"And you think he loves you too?" He asked.
I was silent, he continued "I love you Ella. And I'm not giving up, I won't sit and watch him hurt you... I promise you" he said and walked away.
He got into his car and drove off, dear God what do I do?
I think he's hurt.
I walked back inside and met Gabriel on the way.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked because of the way he's looking at me.
"Nothing" he said.
Mom came out with William, Daniela collected him while I walked up to my room.
Gabriel followed me in, "Why are you following me?"
"What's going on between you and Andrew?" He asked obviously jealous.
"Nothing... We're just good friends, why am I even telling you?"
"I don't want to see you get too close to him" he said and went out.
Is this one crazy? He's acting all jealous and possessive. What a j£rk.

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