Chapter 13: Synthesis

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As you progressed through the hall, you came to a door in which Jill opened. She stepped through you following behind as she held the door open. What you saw slightly mortified you.

There were bodies everywhere, blood pouring out in large amounts. The dark crimson liquid was splattered and smeared across walls. As you both walked through the great massacre that was this hallway, the bodies weren't just some random people. They were scientists. People who dedicated their lives to saving people. This couldn't have been infected....right? How could they take down such intellectual people who would've been prepared for this?

You both continued on. There was a door you couldn't enter so you took the open stairs. You passed by more bodies, some even getting back up as infected. So the speculation you had earlier was true. 

You both eventually stumbled into a large room. There were a lot of hospital like beds in a couple rows. You both looked around for a bit before you spotted a computer. There was a large USB stick plugged in. It had an Umbrella logo on it so you knew it was probably important. Jill had came over and you showed her what you found. She thought for a moment before mentioning the door downstairs. You could only hope it worked.

Making your way back through to the bloody hallway, you approached the door. Jill took the USB and plugged it in. The screen lit up green and you were both set. Jill walked in first, almost immediately getting jumped by an infected. So you brought out your knife and kicked the thing off her. As it slowly stood up, you stabbed it several times in the head. It fell over lifeless as you sighed. Jill came up beside you, looking down at the infected you killed.

"Thanks for the save. Your getting good at this."

" good as it gets with one arm." You said and looked over at her with a slight smile. She smiled back as you both pressed onward.

Killing a few more infected, you went up some stairs and into another room. There were a few more scientist bodies...but they weren't moving unfortunately. Jill stepped up to another screen like the one where you got the USB, only this one didn't have a USB. Instead, just by the click of a button you were given what was called a culture sample. Jill studied the liquid for a moment before speaking.

"This will be used to create another vaccine."

"That can't be everything to make a vaccine, right?" You asked, surely believing there was more.

"No. There's a bit more we need to find. Let's keep going." She said, and with that you both moved on back through the door.

You traversed around for a bit before finding a dead scientist with a note. It was slightly scrambled writing. It had to be his dying note. you read it over, and exactly what you needed was in the letter.

"Well, what's it say?" Jill asked, seeing the surprised look on your face.

"This guy was responsible for helping to make the vaccine. He said that they had accidentally released the 'T-Virus' into the world. He also said that an adjuvant sample was in some incubation lab." You said and folded the note, putting it in your bag.

"Oh God. Well, did he say where the lab was?"

"No, but I'm sure we can find it just fine. It has to be close by right?" You said and started to walk down the hall. Jill followed close by, being quite cautious.

You found a set of stairs that lead to a large garage like door. You went to try and open it but the screen you needed to open it up was red. You needed some sort of power to activate it so you looked around. Going to the opposite side of the room you both saw four giant, metal cylinders. They all laid sideways, a bar in front of each one. One was out of place though. Three lit up blue while one lit up red. So, you both pushed with all your might to put it back in place. When it turned blue like the rest, you stopped pushing and sighed of relief. You walked back around to the door and the screen was now green. You put your hand to the screen and it accepted it because the door opened right up.

You definitely found the incubation lab.

On each side of the room were large cylinder containers containing large creatures encapsulated in some sort of liquid. They all had odd features, but looked similar in some ways. These creatures looked like they came from another planet. They were terrifying to look at.

"Were they....making them?" You asked, looking at the different monsters throughout the room.

"Had to be. Guess they never really finished any of them, so that's good." Jill said, joining up with you.

Making it to the other side of the room, you found an elevator like the ones you've seen before and took it up. It brought you up to an area above the otherworldly creatures you previously looked at. Walking down the hall, a few infected came at you but it was no problem. You walked through an automatic door and were brought into a small lab like room. There was a lot in that room, so you looked around. When you looked back at Jill, she was reading over some letter that was in an envelope. You stepped over while speaking up, curious as to what she read.

"Anything important?"

"Well....that thing that keeps trying to kill me? This letter said it was a tyrant called 'Nemesis'." Jill said, scanning through the letter once more.

"Huh, that's a...unique name to say the least." You said, shrugging a little.

"Yeah...that only makes me wonder where it is." Jill said with slight concern.

"Let's not jinx us now. Come over here for a second." You both walked over to a fridge-cooler like thing. Jill pulled out a drawer with a single test tube inside. Taking it out with further examination, it was the adjuvant sample you needed.

With that, You two started to head back. It was a bit of a trek to get back to the synthesis room, but you eventually made it. You both walked up to the machine, trying to put both of them inside. It rejected both of them so you did what any other person would do and combined the two samples. When you put the tube in, the machine took it this time. After a few minutes of fiddling with the temperature gauge, the synthesis process began. Once it was done, Jill took the vaccine and put it away. 

You both turned around to walk out of the room when you both started to get strangled by your throats. You saw it was tentacles doing this, so you knew 'Nemesis' was back.  You both proceeded to pull out your knives and start stabbing away at the tentacles, careful not to stab yourselves. It helped a bit because it proceeded to chuck you both over a railing and onto solid concrete. You both grunted, obviously in pain. Jill went over and helped you up, looking very much hurt as well.

You needed to escape, and fast.

1,220 Words

((What an eventful chapter. Took me two days to write but it turned out pretty solid. This is also the home stretch for this little journey! So expect the ending quite soon :) That's all I have to say, I'll see you in the next chapter!                 ~Galaxy

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