That is Intimate

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** Lia's POV **

I felt my eyes grew slightly, surprised at how forward her request was. Apprehension grew within me. I had already shown her my wolf, but for her to ask me to shift in front of her. That was like asking me to have intercourse right here and now, shifting was such an intimate act.

I took in the expression her eyes held, they were pleading me to acquiesce. "Alright." I relented, I shook my head slightly to clear my thoughts. "There is one thing I have to ask of you first," I began as I stood up. I gazed out of the window and focused, instead, on the horizon. The trees waved in the gentle summer breeze, a few birds flew by and a couple of pups were playing in the fields.

Every part of Dakota's expression and body posture convinced me that she had been one misstep away from running as far away from here as she can. What she just asked me to do would be the ultimate reason for her to give into that urge. Something inside of me clenched my heart and soul and forced me to look back to her, get down on one knee and grab her hands. Whatever it was, it certainly wasn't bravery. No, this is desperation, I thought as I pleaded to her, "You have to promise me not to run away from here. I understand if you need to run away from me." My intensity faltered as I acknowledged the possibility that she could view me as a monster. "But you have to promise me you won't leave this area. Please," I looked into her stormy eyes again, begging, "promise me."

"I promise." She said, her expression now one of conviction. She looked ready to see what she deemed impossible.

"Ok." I nodded as I stood again. "Now, um," again I faltered. Here I was, an Alpha regarded and looked up to by so many, and the thought of preparing for a shift I had done thousands of times made me blush and my hands shake. "I have to remove my clothes to do this." I turned my gaze to the window again, only this time I stared into my reflection. "If I don't, they'll be ruined. Is that alright?"

"Yes." The word came out as a small whisper, thick with anticipation, fear and something new.

I blushed furiously as I began to remove my clothes. I went in the usual order: top, bra, pants, sock then underwear. However, I felt my nerves grow increasingly worse as each article of clothing was removed. I had never undressed under such scrutiny, let alone the scrutiny of my mate.

After I finished, I looked back to the glass, my tan reflection staring back at me. I watched as I shook out my arms and legs. I jumped up and down a few times and rolled my neck and head, loosening up my muscles to prepare for the shift. "Ready?" I asked.

"Mhmm." Was all I heard from Dakota. It sounded like a small whimper, filled with desire. My cheeks burned furiously again as I thought, Sounds like she likes what she sees.

"Ok. Now, don't blink." As I looked into my reflection, I stared into my own eyes, I could practically see my wolf staring back at me. It was so eager to come out and show itself proudly to its mate.

The shift began. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes as I felt the pops and cracks of my skeleton as it repositioned itself. The familiar burning sensation of around my nose and mouth grew to an unbearable heat and then lessened within a second. I was forced to arch my back forward, then backward, then forward one last time as each vertebra popped out of place, lengthened and then fell perfectly into place again. My hands and feet mimicked the rest of my body as each bone reformed and spread out to make room for their respective muscles to contort, elongate, grow and shrink; until I was back to staring at my eyes.

This time, I could see the human in me staring back, eager to see if Dakota would accept us. In my wolf form, I was far less afraid of her rejection. Probably because my wolf knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our mate's wolf wouldn't let her. I looked back to Dakota, her mouth was open as she gawked at me.

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