Christmas 101

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Christmas .... 

I had never known the significance of it till later. 

Its the day you spend with your "special someone". 

I wouldn't know till later on how special that person would be.

The skies were grey.

But despite the freezing temperature,  I felt warm as my hand was engulfed by another.

 It was Cedric's. 

I decided I needed to clear my name if I wanted a chance with this guy I had fallen in love with. 

Cedric agreed to sneak me into the crime scene. 

When we arrived at the house, the patrol officers had been dispersed for Christmas. 

The fairy lights on the other houses made this one stick out like a sore thumb, enveloped in a pall of gloom.

I suddenly felt my heart sting a little for Ren but then I recalled his baseless accusations and my resolve strengthened.

I needed this, I was innocent and I was getting down to the bottom of this.

 I tiptoed upstairs behind Cedric apprehensive of tripping, the klutz that I was. 

The door creaked; thirsty for oil, making us hold our breath in trepidation.

But the hall was silent except for my pacing heart. 

Cedric took out an pocket sized lantern and lit it with a matchstick and shone it into the room.

 I examined the walls and flooring  when I found an odd glint of metal from the crevice under the powder table.

I pulled it out to find a rouge box that had cracked, the initials on top were a dead giveaway as to the identity of its owner.

 It had belonged to Alicia. 

The contents spilled out and immediately irritated my skin.

 I rushed to the washroom to douse my hand in cold water and scrubbed some soap.

I borrowed Cedric's gloves and carefully put the rouge box in a empty container and asked Cedric to burn the glove without touching it. 

My gut told me there was something strange about that rouge box.

On Christmas day, I woke to loud din and clatter downstairs. 

I hastily dressed myself and rushed to the foyer where I found Cedric in what was probably his nightwear in a heated conversation with  someone. 

My heavy footsteps made him turn back to look at me.  

A few seconds after, I forced myself to tear my eyes from the view of his exposed chest.

 His huge frame had been blocking the view and I could now get a clear view of his conversation partner.

 It was a blond haired, petite and stout officer in uniform. 

Cedric asked me if I was ready to go to the station. 

The officials from London had come to a consensus and I was to be interrogated directly by the embassy.

The ride was not silent. 

Cedric was upset that I couldn't experience the perfect Christmas morning. 

He said that families ate a special breakfast and opened presents left by Santa Claus.

Of course I didn't know who this Santa Claus person was, so I asked him.

He look a bit befuddled before he guffawed and explained to me the legend of how a plump bearded grandpa dressed in red and white climbed down chimneys and brought presents for little kids.

And thats when it dawned upon me, there was a hearth in Alicia's room. 

We had to go to the crime scene....

I told Cedric about my theory, his face darkened for a bit.

 Then he reassured me that he would take care of things.

I was shut alone inside a dark, eerie room. It was claustrophobic....

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