6 - A "Pleasant" Lunch

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With Kace and Cato in the front, Hari and I follow close behind as we travel through the long hallways and frequent turns.

Wow, I have definitely not been to this part of the school yet. My eyes examine everything, and from the large amounts of classroom doors we've passed by - there seem to be many more students in this school than I've expected. But when you're playing an otome game, you don't really focus on the background characters in the schools. I wonder why this world is so detailed if it's made solely to focus on H.S.R ~Love and Confessions~?

"Are you doing okay, Y/n?" Hari asks, making me instantly look at her. Was she watching me again?

I put on a smile, the one you wear to reassure people and reply. "Mmhm. Why do you ask?"

Apparently, my question throws her off guard and I see her stare at me, blinking a few times before answering.

"Oh, um, you just looked like you were deep in your thoughts," Hari responds, turning her head to look at her two love interests.

"Hm, I see!" I reply, trying to hide anything in my tone that points to me being suspicious of her. However, her reply was quite sus, and I hope that I learn what "my" backstory is with the heroine soon. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll go to sleep and end up dreaming about it!

The sound of dozens of chattering students makes me look over Cato's shoulder, and I spot exactly what I heard. The cafeteria seems to have long, white tables in every available space aside from the ordering place. There are plenty of high schoolers eating their lunches on trays, while others have a lunchbox or paper bag with them.

"We've arrived," Cato says, loudly enough for us to hear him. The four of us go in, and I don't know what I expected, but a ton of heads turning to us was not it.

For a second there, I had unconsciously forgotten that this was an otome game; still - a very cliche and cheesy one at that.

"What the. . ." I mutter as the three people I'm with seem to be celebrities in this massive school. How? This is the first day?!

As I'm left with an unflattering expression, my ears do their job and pick up what everyone is saying.

"Did we get lucky with some celebrities going here?"

"Wow! Those boys, they both have amazing hair. What shampoo and conditioner do they use?!"

"The white-haired boy...no wonder this school has "Angelwood" in its name."

Haha, please help me, anybody. However, as the four of us continue making our way through the room, the comments keep oh rolling in.

"Damn, who's the girl? She's super cute."

"The tan-haired girl looks like she's from a rich family!"

"Wait! Who's that other girl? With the h/c hair!"

I almost freeze on the spot when I hear that last comment. Please, I'm just trying to eat lunch. I didn't want to go with any of these people if I didn't have to. With the attempt of blocking my ears to prevent any more sound, it ends up not working and I'm forced to continue listening to the thirsty students.

"Eh, don't know. The other three are some sweet eye-candy though!"

It's okay, Y/n. It's not my fault that I look undeniably normal when next to these otome game characters.

My eyes suddenly make contact with a boy, and I realize that it's none other than Avery. Avery Blakm, the one, and only tsundere.

I know I said that his hair and eye color was common among the students, but it's almost like he has a sort of glow to him? When you look at him, he stands out more than any of his fellow classmates around him.

Her Reverse Harem (R.Harem x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora