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As uncanny and frightening as it may sound, I didn't dare to question Lucas on fathers presences. I kept my dazed eyes glued to his thumb that were drawing small tiny circles on my wrist.

I didn't dare to question lucas because all I saw in front of me, was hope lined up back for Oliver. My heart refused to leave you Oliver, don't leave mine.


4 years later.

"Elizabeth!" I shift my head towards our door as I hear the excited voice of Edward leaning by. "It's time!" He states. I smile brightly and nod, "I'll be down in a minute" I say as he nods, heading downstairs. I look back in the mirror and I kneel down to grab my secret box where I kept all my thoughts in. I grabbed the book and held the lonely pen in my hand.

Dear Oliver,
It's been four years without your presences. We miss you. Victoria misses you. It's her birthday today. Her fourth birthday without her father. However, she's strong just like her father


I haven't given up on you. I never will, but my dear Oliver...I'm moving on. Edward makes me forget about my pain, about my loss. He stood by his word and never failed you. I just wish you were here Oliver. I wanted to know, for my curios heart begs for answers.

I wanted...

I settle my book back and immediately grab my present for Victoria. I couldn't be late for her celebration or she will pout and stomp her feet. I giggle at that thought as I go down the stairs where everyone was.

I walk up towards Caroline and mother who stood in a corner discussing things. "Apologies for my delay, my ladies" I say shifting my head towards each. Caroline smiles and pats my shoulder, "being a queen isn't easy". I nod in agreement, "you look gorgeous darling" mother stays before hugging me. I warmly hug her back, "I love you".

"Anyone want some drinks?" I hear Edward ask us as I pull away from mother. "Edward!" I sternly say as I shake my head in denial, "she's turning 4! You've got to be sober" I state as he raises her eyebrows and tries to defend himself by saying, "I was talking about juice Elizabeth! Juice". "Oh really?" I sarcastically question him. Mother and Caroline looked at him and giggled at how his face turned into a pastel shade of pink. "Why do you always win these debates!" Edward says before taking off to order the maids around.

"Will art on a stone do?" Lucas's appearance made us all look at him. "I mean, when I was a child. I liked stones!" He states. "And who said you still aren't a child?" Mother chuckles. "Don't you think stones might be a harsh present for a 4 years old?" Caroline tells him. He huffs in defeat and I kneel down to him, "I think the stone is a great present! But I believe she will enjoy a ride on the horse? Don't you think?".

Lucas's face lit up and he nodded in agreement, "Thank you Elizabeth, you are the best!". I stood up before he sprint out to find Matilda. Victoria was still in her room as the maids distracted her to buy us time. I look around the huge living room where the celebration is soon to be taken. Yes she was only 4, but there is something about Victoria.

Something that made me see Oliver in her.

She was mature for her age. She knew what to do and what not. She is quite and mysterious. And she has those eyes, those mesmerizing eyes her father once owned. I suddenly giggle as I remember my first kiss. "Enjoy it while it lasts" these were his exact words as I felt his soft lips on mine.

I m̶i̶s̶s̶e̶d̶ miss you.

I glance at Edward from a distance as I nod to him to bring down Victoria. Everything was settled, all of them were hiding in their positions and the lights were off ready to shine again in no time.

Forcibly married to the person whom rejected meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن