Chapter 24-25

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24. Domineering lady

"Why would we bow to someone like you!"

"Yeah! Your just a spoiled brat!"

"I bet you've done something to the king! "

" A woman like you are no fit to lead us! "

" We would never follow you! "

" You wouldn't even last a day here! "

Three days after my meeting with the king, I packed up and immediately headed to the military camp located in a far province called Gabel province, the king said that a rebellion started to form and The numbers of members right now are in match with the sky army it means that many citizen hates the king and how he rule over the kingdom, I traveled by carriage for two days from the capital to here and as soon as I arrived the soldiers marched at my tent and began shouting their nonsense, I let them talk as long as they want while I wear my armour, I don't want to look less feminine so I designed it myself, it just An armour in a style of a long dress, it's light and very comfortable,

Comfortably sitting on my chair with my sword at my right and My legs cross and in-front of me is the mob of crazy people
Or soldiers rather

"We would rather die than follow you"

"Oh, really" I grinned, In an instant, I disappeared from my chair and appeared in-front of the soldier who just said those words at me, with the side of my sword at his neck, and ready to slice it

"Then die" I moved my sword, his head flown into the air and landed on the ground behind me, the soldiers turned quiet, I turned my heels away, the headless body fell backwards, his head rolled and bumped into my feet, I swung my sword two times to get the blood off, after that I returned it to it's sheath

I gracefully walked to my chair, the soldiers move to make way, I sat on my chair again as if I didn't just kicked a person's head to the side

"Now, who else wants to die" another soldiers bravely stood out from the crowd, with his serious expression, if looks can kill My body would be pierced by their intense glares at me by now

"Are you threatening us!" I put on an innocent face and leaned my head to the right with my right index finger on my right cheeks

"How can that be?, You said that you would rather die than to follow me, I'm not forcing anyone to follow me but it's my honor to grant your wish and kill you since you--yourself said it, and anyhow dying here is better than dying on the battlefield, right?" All I said was true, I sneered and looked at them with a happy smiling eyes and a rigid sneering smile with my lips,
it's your words against yours!

"Seems that all those years of staying here made you forget who I am" the soldiers answered again in a stammering voice

"Why s-should, we kno-w you" I stood up from my seat, the soldiers that just spoke up flinch in fear thinking that what he said made me angry, not really I was just tired of sitting

"I am iris natasha Everhart and I'm also known as Duchess Everhart, daughter of the first ever duchess in the entire history of our kingdom, And I'm also a student of swordmaster hakase Smith" who doesn't know the mighty swordmaster hakase Smith? His like the most powerfullest and famous swordmaster known throughout the land, even demons feared him
I met him when I was--again collecting herbs for Alex, when a group of Rough looking men's that smells awfully like alcohol surronded me, I didn't have guards around me that time since I don't like guards following me around, and since I can't use magic yet, I carried a small dagger with me and it came in pretty handy, but they still caught me that's when master smith-sensei rescued me, he happened to pass by and saw how I fought for my freedom with those bozos, then he took me as his student because he saw something in me, well that's what he said, I'm not entirely sure that he did saw in me

As expected everyone knew my sensei so they gasp, What's up with them and that gasping thing? Is that a tradition?

"You can kill yourself here and now or I can do it for you, Either way you're still going to die, and how can you be so sure that I'm going to fail?" The mighty domineering lady is here


25. Tactician

" What's the situation?" After dealing with the angry mob of soldiers outside, I walked straight to the tent where I will met the three generals of the sky army

"We greet commander Everhart, I am Roystone, this is general andrew and general Johnathan, we are honored to be at your care commander Everhart" three middle aged men stood straight, they are slightly tanned and their skin are rough by that you can say that they have been in the sky army for more than 10 years, I nodded at them while waving my hands

"There is no need for such formality, you can just call me commander iris or lady iris" on the center is a round table with a map on top of it, I assumed that's the map on the mountains landscape

"The rebellion is right here, our spies have told us that they have more than 30000 people on their side, but that was three days ago, my spy have been discovered and didn't return, now we don't know anymore information about the rebellion" 30000 citizen that is against the king? That's so much! But wait I smell something fishy in here, I'm sure one of the nobles is behind this, if they have more than thirty thousand people in the rebellion it means that they have started the rebellion even before the king discovered it, they have been in the dark for so long and they came out from it with a large number of people--this is indeed fishy

"If they have already discovered our spy then that means someone told them that one of our people have entered their territory, meaning that we have a spy in our camp" general Andrew slammed his hand on the table and shouted

" Who dares to do such thing, I will skin them alive until even the coroner can't recognize them and think that his an animal!" Out of the three Generals, general Andrew is the short tempered one and have an explosive temper

"I agree with general andrew, Find out who is the spy and torture him or her until they tell us what we wanna know"

We discussed and discussed about certain things about the camp, training method and the strategy for the war

"I say we charge ahead!" General Andrew blurted out, I shook my head and reached out for the small flags on the map and strated to assemble them in different places

"If my guesses are right then their number have outnumbered us already, so I say we do this"

" First me and general Roystone will lead ten thousand of the soldier to the battlefield to confront the enemy, the leader of the rebellion is not an ordinary person so I'm sure that his not stupid to let his whole army charge in, I bet he will only send half of his rebellion to battlefield to weaken us since they have us outnumbered
General Andrew will take another ten thousand of the soldier to go around the mountains and head to the enemies main camp and attack it, general Andrew and his soldier will destroy the main source and capture the enemies leader,
While general Johnathan and the rest of soldier which is another ten thousand, they will hid in the forest-- five thousand soldiers in each side of the battlefield, we corner them and then attack with this we will do an attack and ambush strategy" if we go as I planned then I'm sure we will win but I'm sure that we are going to lost numbers of soldiers and I can't let that happen, this war need one certain team, a team of medical people, this era have no medical team and allow the soldiers to die in the battlefield but this is my army and my soldiers, and I say we get a medical team, and I know just how to do it

"This is brilliant! Commander iris is a god of tactician! We will surely win with her on our side!"

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