Pretty Boys (Full Chapter)

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The day started earlier than normal for me. However, it provided time for me to think on an outfit. I settled on a white sleeveless shirt who's collar and 'sleeves' were hemmed with black. That was tucked into loose black shorts. A simple black ribbon was used as a belt for the shorts.

I tucked away my wallet, a portable battery, and other things into a black handbag and hung it by the door. My black mask hung beside it freshly washed and easy for usage. Anxiously, I ate my lunch and quickly cleaned the dishes careful to not stain my white shirt.

Ding Dong

Upon hearing my doorbell going off, I hastily dried my hands off and rushed to my door. I slipped on black flats and grabbed my bag and mask. Quickly, I hung the straps of the mask around my ears and adjusted it on my face.

"Human!" Taehyung called out when I opened the door. I giggled and stepped out, locking the door behind me.

"Hey oppa!" I smiled brightly. Though I don't think he'd notice right off the bat due to the mask I was wearing. However, I assumed Taehyung returned the gesture with his signature box smile under the mask he wore.

He wore a black mask that matched the shirt he wore. Over top was a white washed denim jacket. The vocalist wore semi-tight black jeans that were cuffed at the ends. It hovered over the white converse highs he wore for shoes. Slung around him was a black camera bag.

When we reached the car, Taehyung opened the door for me. I muttered a small thank you, blushing at the action. The vocalists huffed in what I assumed was pride. He moved to the back and slung off the camera bag. Opening the door, he placed it there then shut it.

He crossed the front of the car to the drivers seat. I watched as he ruffled his hair while opening the door. Taehyung sat down and closed the door with a slam. He pulled his mask to his chin with an exhale. Afterwards, he turned to smile at me.

I blushed then turned away out of embarrassment. I reached for my seatbelt as well and clicked it into place. I heard Taehyung doing the same as well. Soon enough, the car was filled with songs from the radio. The vehicle started moving shortly after.

A silence filled the air. I looked at Taehyung curious as to why the normally energetic boy was quiet. I was met with the image of the vocalist quietly humming along, tapping his index finger against the wheel in beat of the song. As if he knew I was staring, the vocalist slipped his tongue out to lick his lips.

"What a tease." I muttered out as I turned to face the window. I heard Taehyung chuckle behind me. I scoffed which helped fuel the boy's laughter.

After that, the ride continued. It was still quiet, with only music fillings the void of sound, but it was comfortable. Taehyung has a way of knowing the right times to be quiet while making sure the other wasn't in discomfort. I forgot he had this side to to him.

Eventually the car came to halt in front of a grassy area. It was completely empty of people. Stepping out of the vehicle, I saw a small dirt trail snaking out across the green field.

I looked around and saw a couple of trees up ahead. It surrounded the trail and lined up in a wall like structure so I couldn't see what was past. However, I could make out a lake, and a large hill behind the trees. There was a structure on top of the hill, but it was too far away for me to make out exactly what it was.

"Let us go my human!" Taehyung exclaimed cheerfully. His mask was back on, but I could tell he was smiling.The boy slung his arm around my shoulder and pushed me to go forward. I obeyed and we followed the dirt path.

There wasn't much, but behind the wall of trees was where the true beauty laid. I was right about the lake, however it was filled by a small waterfall. The water was connected to the hill, however it was bigger in comparison.

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