Chapter 16

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Evie lied on her back on her bed, a blanket was covering her sweaty body. She was whining of pain. Her body was on fire. The right part of her body burning and hurting so much. It was like someone kept hitting over and over again. The pain was unbearable. The pack was couldn't even imagine what she was feeling. Jacob was crouched next to her, caressing her head. His simple presence was easing, even a little bit, the pain Evie was feeling. Knowing that Jacob was there was appeasing and reassuring Evie. With him by her side, she knew she would be okay. And the fact that her sister was okay and alive was all that mattered to her. Evie didn't lose her sister. It was what was most important to her.

After a few minutes, the scent of a vampire was filling the air. It was from Carlisle. He just arrived at the Clearwater's house. Leah, Seth and their mother were with Jacob in Evie's room and the others were waiting in the corridor. When Carlisle entered the house, he went straight to Evie's room. The pack members let him walk, not wanting to block him. They knew the situation was serious and they didn't want to slow him. He had to heal Evie. Carlisle entered the room and went to Evie. Jacob moved aside but was still close to his imprint. Carlisle then started his consultation and started to examine Evie. He started to feel the right side of her body, making Evie hiss of pain and tensing, to see how her bones were. The doctor frowned, even grimaced. It wasn't a good sign.

"Her bones are healing wrong," Carlisle said. "They are not well placed,"

"What does that mean?" Seth asked, worried.

"I have to rebreak her bones," the vampire announced. Everyone - except for Evie - tensed and look at each other. Rebreaking her bones? She would go through the pain again. Carlisle then turned to Evie's family. "I recommend you to wait outside. It won't be pretty," Seth and Leah didn't want to leave. They wanted to be there for their sister, to show support.

"Get out," Evie groaned. She didn't want them to see that. It would already be painful for her, she didn't want to see their worry and pained face. It would just make things worse for her. When she didn't hear them move, she repeated again, "Just get out, please,"

Leah was hesitant at first, but she muttered a little "fine" and lead her mother and brother outside. The other pack members follow them outside of the house and they all stood anxiously in front of the house.

"What are you still doing here?" Even asked Jacob and whined of pain. Even talking was physically hurting her. He didn't even budge when the others left.

"I'm not going anywhere," Jacob said, pushing away some strands of hair that was covering Evie's face.


"I'm not going anywhere," he repeated. Evie then looked at him, worry in her eyes. She was scared. She didn't know if she could do it. She was unsure. Jacob saw that and kissed her forehead, showing that he was there for her. He was going to help her going through this. The simple presence of her imprint helped her a lot. "It's okay," Evie then looked at Carlisle.

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