Chapter 5: A Goodbye

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3rd POV

A year later...

Shinoa fell on her butt with a yelp. The newly made scythe's blade dug into the wall. Shinoa panted as she looked up to Y/n. The demon only having a reassuring smile on her face as she held her hands up like she was about to karate chop a bitch. Had to X3. "Shinoa, you shouldn't let your enemy see the pattern of your attacks. I keep knocking your scythe away because of that." Shinoa sighed, "O-Okay, let's try again!" The purple haired girl got up before grabbing her scythe and pulling it from the wall.

Y/n got into a defensive position as Shinoa spun the scythe before gripping it tight. She stared at the demon with a serious look, "Ready?" Y/n smirked, "I'm always ready Shinoa." The girl ran at
Y/n with the scythe ready to swing. Y/n ducked when she swung before taking her fist and connecting it with Shinoa's stomach. The small girl gasping as she reeled back and gasped for air. Y/n only disarming Shinoa and sweeping her legs from out underneath her and catching her bridal style.

Shinoa lost the air she had regained when she fell but it quickly came back to her when she felt Y/n hold her. The demon stood up and smiled, resulting in a blushing human. "Are you okay?" Shinoa nodded, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine." Y/n set down Shinoa before grabbing the scythe and giving it to her. "Let's go again. I'm ready when you are." Y/n stood up before turning around only to feel the blade of the scythe press against her throat, "Ready~" Y/n smirked before smacking the scythe up as she tilted her head back.

Shinoa didn't let go of her weapon but nearly lost her balance once more as she stumbled a little backwards. She was then quickly charged by Y/n, spinning the scythe she deflected the strike and spun around with it before slashing towards the demon, who had managed to jump back just in time. The purplette noticed that, taking the opportunity to keep spinning the scythe in her hand before slashing a strike forcing Y/n on the defensive.

The golden lance and black scythe clashed several times, sparks flying before the leader lunged to the side then lunged forward the moment Shinoa tried to slash at her, however a kick was delivered to throw the horned woman back. Though, Shinoa was quickly slammed back into the defensive as the spear gained a sudden burst of force, throwing the scythe up.

Y/n used the moment to quickly lung forward and bring her knee into he but of the small lady, forcing her to drop the scythe as she flew back into the wall. The young girl would cough several times as she tried to regain her air. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes but she refused to accept the pain, seeing a hand before her she would look up.

"I'd say you've improved more than you did yesterday Shinoa, come on."

She would hum softly with a nod, before happily gripping that hand. She felt safe when being in contact or even near this demon, despite always getting her ass kicked when training. But that's a normal thing in the place they call home, there is no halfway, it's either you do it or you don't. And that means being rough when training or not doing it at all.

Half a year later...

Today was the day, she was going to send refugees off into the real world. Her and her people have spent these past few years training them to be the best they can be. Guren was kicked out rather early for being massive pain in the ass towards Elisa and James, but he was strong. Both in will and strength. The last Y/n heard about him was a month ago about James confirming Guren had help make a resistance dedicated to defeating the vampires.

However, he didn't see the white demon series as neither friend nor for. He acted like they never existed and planned to convince others they didn't exist. Did they care? Not in the slightest, the less that knew of who they really were the better. She and her people were focused on fighting Krul and her superiors.

With Shinoa...

Shinoa POV

Today is the last day, huh? It sucks, I was hoping I could stay and be with her some more. I've grown fawn of Y/n these past few years but I guess it just can't be helped. From what I was told, Y/n is leading an attack soon on a major Vampire outpost. And apparently it's far on the west side of the world. I was dying to join them but I was scolded when I tried hiding in one of Elisa's supply crates.

But right now, I couldn't help but hug Y/n as she patted my head softly. My cheeks heated up slightly as I felt her warmth, for an undead being, she was surprisingly hot. In terms of heat and looks that is. I know it's wrong to love someone who is already an adult, but is it wrong for a girl to dream like this?

"Alright Shinoa, it's time for you to go. I'll be sending you and the others to Guren, there you'll be you'll be working with Guren. He'll be an asshole but keep in mind that he's the key to helping beat those blood suckers."

Her smile, it was so strong. So confident. So... stunning. I felt my heart throb, desiring to just stay by her side to the day I died. But that wasn't possible, and it sucked. "Alright, but there's no promises I won't give him a hard time. After all, I did learn after you." I would return my own smile, trying to be happy and confident just like her.

"Good, I'd expect nothing less from my apprentice. Now, get going." I would nod with a small hum, spinning on my heel and running off to catch up with everyone else. However, I couldn't help but turn around and say something to her. I can't even remember what it was I said, but all I do remember is that she smiled softly and nodded.

After that, I sprinted off to get on the truck that would be taking me to meet Guren, the so called leader of the resistance. But I know who's the real resistance to the Vampires, and it's this place right here.

But little did I know... I wouldn't see her for the rest of my childhood.

To be continued...

Hello everyone~! Sorry this chapter took so long to get out there, I've just been suuuuper busy with life as of late and had lost the will to write. But I'm attempting to try and get back into writing every now and then. So chapter release dates will most likely be everywhere and I can't promise anyone when the next one will be out.

But anyways, thank al of you for being so patient with me and I hope to see you in the next chapter or even one of my other books.

Demonic Protector (Fem! Demon! Reader x Shinoa)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ