You may advertise your book in this chapter only

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Please follow the outline below for advertising. (This allows for consistency for people who look for stories in this chapter).

I know most of you really want to get your books out there, and there really aren't any easy ways to do that right now (*I've listed a few additional options at the bottom), so I'm going to make this chapter an exception to the 'don't post your story in my books' rule by giving you express permission here.

Ah, but since this is a 'Writing Tips' book, this is also going to be an exercise in advertising and writing skills. (There had to be some catch, right?)

You will create an inline comment beside the main genre of your book - the list is at the bottom of this page (no dual posting, even if you have two main genres. Please pick the closest or flip a coin.)

Please follow this outline: (AND post it beside the genre at the bottom of the page)

Title:  The title of your story
Mature:   Yes/No
Romance:  Yes/No     (If yes, please list the amount - Kissing, Fade to Black, Descriptive, Erotica)
Any other warnings?:  Please list any potential trigger warnings such as self-harm, rape, heavy violence, lots of swearing, etc.
LGBTQ+:   Yes/No
Completed:   Yes/No     (You may include chapter/word count if you wish)
Main themes:   List 3-5 themes that appear in your book (ex. Friendship, love at first sight, loyalty, fending for yourself, etc).
Have you edited this story?  No/Kind of/Yes/Polished    (You can list if you used certain types of software or if an editor or friend helped you proofread it.)

Link to your story:
Summary:   This is the hard one. I want a polished summary that gives me hints on who the character is, what challenges they're facing, and please slide in something to show why your story is special. (PS. Practice putting your hook into this section. There are over 500 million stories on this site, so you'll have to work hard to catch the attention of readers.) It doesn't have to match the summary on your story.

And all of this has to fit within the size limits of one comment box.

Yes, it will probably take you at least fifteen minutes. Maybe even half an hour. Maybe more. This is your pitch. Let's see what you got!

PS: you have to do 50 pushups for each typo. (If you spot one after you post it, you can copy your comment, delete it, then post the edited version.) ;)


Title: The Virus Within
Mature: No
Romance: No
Any other warnings?: Some violence.
Completed: Yes (124 chapters. ~335,000 words)
Main themes: Friendship, Learning to Trust, Survival.
Have you edited this story?  Kind of  (two proofreaders)
Link to your story:
What do you do when you're one of the infected? Having turned into a zombie, Trinity must fight against the bloodlust that longs for human flesh and blood - a temptation that would erase her mind and destroy her humanity if her control were to ever slip.
Even though she tries to avoid humans, she discovers a small group trying to get to safety. In order to survive, they're going to need her help. But will she risk her own sanity and life to help them?
When humans and sane zombies meet, no road trip will ever go as expected. Especially when one of the humans has an unusual sense of humor and no fear of zombies.

Genre list:


Diverse Literature

Historical Fiction





Literary Fiction


New Adult






Science Fiction

Short Story

Teen Fiction




Young Adult

For those who really want to promote their books, I've found a few options since the forums closed down:

If you're a Facebook fan, you can search for groups like 'Wattpad is Life', 'Wattpaders', 'Wattpad and Inkitt'. These three groups also have lots of promotion activities and options if you're looking to expand your audience.

Writing forums - there are dozens of these groups if you wish to search for them. You'll find people outside of Wattpad in most of these, so it will be a different experience.

If you're only looking for a bit of promotion, but more along the lines of liaisoning with other authors, the discord groups I mentioned in the summary chapter have channels for promotion, but it's more of a one-time thing per book unless someone is asking for recommendations. (You can PM me for an invite link to those discord channels).

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