Chapter 32: The Date

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Addie's POV:

Xander being a charming ass motherfucker was simultaneously awesome and annoying.

We walked in the cabin and I immediately fell in love with it. It wasn't big but it was quaint. It was open, a TV and couch to the left, a kitchen with a table to the right, a comfortable rustic feel to it. Past that were a pair of doors, one leading to bedroom and the other to a bathroom. It was homey. Those things were nice but it's cuteness wasn't the biggest reason I already loved it. That was all Xander.

He'd set up music so the band I liked was playing in the background when we walked into the cabin, he made it all romantic with candles, he had tandoori chicken waiting for us and apparently that dessert I told him I liked also stashed away from somewhere.

I found it hard to believe that he didn't have this much experience with women because he was way too good to just be a natural. Except everything Tess told me implied he just was actually that good because he cared that much. I wasn't used to being around someone that paid that much attention to me. Unless I was with Tasha or Travis, I spent most my time as a kid alone and I was lucky if my mom ever cooked since she expected me to be self-sufficient, that made his gesture seem even bigger to me, the fact that he not only listened but made it special for me in a way I'd never experienced.

"This doesn't look like take-out," I commented as he pulled out a chair for me to sit in at the table where dinner waited.

"It's not," he said, getting me situated before moving to his own seat across the table. I raised an eyebrow questioningly and hoped he did not tell me he was also just a good cook because that would just be unfair. Thankfully, he sighed and shook his head. "I didn't make it. I can only cook eggs and macaroni and cheese. Kaden's the cook in this family."

"Oh," I laughed. "So he made it?"

Xander nodded and rolled his eyes. "I asked him to and he was very excited about the whole thing but it's only fair I warn you, as much as he comes across full of confidence and happy, he needs a lot of reassurance. So he's probably going to ask you if you liked it so many times you'll consider telling him you hated it just to get him to shut up."

"Good to know," I giggled.

Xander had a little smile he gave me any time I laughed and it was a dangerous smile. A smile that made me want to just forget the dinner and do something more interesting. Stop being such a nympho, Addie, I reminded myself.

We ate the dinner and damn, Kaden was a good cook. Xander continued to ask about me and my life and I quickly came to the conclusion that if I'd met him in normal circumstances, I probably would've melted regardless of our bond because he was so damn charming and sweet when he wanted to be.

He mostly kept to his word about us not being put in any compromising positions but then we sat on the couch to watch Say Anything and somehow that led to me laying across him with my head in his chest while the movie played. He continuously ran his fingers through my hair and it was so damn soothing I could've fallen asleep like that.

It didn't help that laying on top of him was both comforting and exciting if I thought about it too hard. It came to the part in the movie where John Cusack stands outside the window with the boombox and I couldn't help the smile. So cheesy but I loved it.

"Should I track down a boombox and play some Dallas Green out your window?" Xander asked.

"It definitely wouldn't hurt," I said, looking up at him.

"Keep your window open then," he said, giving me a half-smile.

I rolled my eyes and laid my head in his chest again. "Or you could be original."

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