1- Brown Leather Jacket

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Sophie's PoV:

There are two types of people in this world; the optimistic, butterfly-catching and rainbow-admirer type of people, and then there's people who wish they could strangle the first type mentioned above.

I naturally and categorically, belong to the second type vehemently that I console myself by convincing myself and everyone around me that I'm just a 'realist', approaching life in a sensical way.

The pinching winds of November sting my freezing skin, swirling around tousling streaks of my shoulder-length brown hair into the air surrounding me as I make my way to the hell hole they call school nowadays.


I'm already running late when I near the double door that leads to the main hallway, separating the blistering air of coldness in the empty parking lot from the air-conditioned warmth that roams in the abyss.

I look up at the door, noticing the back of some student that's entering through the heavy glass-edged-with-metal door wearing a brown leather jacket.

"Hey! Can you please keep the door open" I call out in a rushed voice hoping the stranger would hear me and have some courtesy by holding the door open for a few seconds while I enter

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"Hey! Can you please keep the door open" I call out in a rushed voice hoping the stranger would hear me and have some courtesy by holding the door open for a few seconds while I enter.

I quicken my steps, just as I thought the mysterious guy would comply to my kind hasty request, there goes my hope when the sound of the door closing slaps me in the face, my nose particularly.


I sigh and juggle the books I'm holding in my left arm, also the bag of fresh bagels that sits comfortably in my right hand.

You know that weird dancing/jumping thing you do to attempt not making everything you're holding fall down of your arms, while also making space for holding an added object without having your already mountain of possessions crumble down?
Yup, I'm doing a whole demonstration of that.

I grunt, feeling lines from the edges of books line my arms. I absolutely hate that. Books are meant to benefit you, not cause injuries.

Inspecting the place around me, as I guessed it, the hallways are void of any motion, except for the disappearing bag-packed back of Mr. Too Good for Human Decency; or it could also probably be Mr. Hearing Difficulties just to be fair.

Looking up, the wall-watch signals that first lesson started 7 minutes ago.

Ughhhh 2.0

In my weird systematic school, being late for more than 5 minutes lands you in the lamest punishment introduced by failed social attempts of discipline; welcome to detention.

Sighing in defeat, I push the door slightly with my elbow, coming face to face with an eyebrow-raised Mrs. Norton.
Her attention shifts from the pile of students to the disruptive intruder - I - and she crosses her hands awaiting my pathetic excuse as to why I'm almost 8 minutes late to her class.

Clearing my throat; a mechanism for stalling so I can come up with an appropriate response on the spot, I open my mouth to say something but the words don't come out.

Dog ate my homework?
How the hell would that explain why I'm late?
Mental face palm.

Just as I was about to blame the weather for my lateness, a voice echos at the back of the class " Flies got your tongue?" He shoots and everyone else laughs with amusement shimmering in their eyes.

I turn my face towards the source of my added misery, not even bothering with the weird looks I'm getting from Mrs. Norton anymore.
I'm met with the gleaming brown eyes of the schools most popular, sought after guy; Dylan Thirwall.

While I'm thinking of a retorted comeback, to throw at his smirking face, a certain brown jacket stares at me in the face, and I guess that he's the stranger from earlier.

How the hell did he not get detention?

Furrowing my eyebrows in distaste, I muttered "It's supposed to be cat, not flies" and he just chuckles and busts out milliseconds later with full on laughter.

Mrs. Norton decides she finally had enough of this unentertaining charade and her voice booms through the entire distracted classroom "Enough. Both of you, detention. After school today" . Then she quietens the students to continue with whatever material she was reviving on the white board.

I eye Dylan to see the smirk wiped out from his face upon hearing his big mouth got him two hours of detention after school. I smirk victoriously. If I managed to get detention, well so should he.

I manage to catch a phantom of a glare directed towards me, right before taking out my chair and sitting in my usual spot; two rows in front of him.

I pulp down on my chair, right after setting the bag of bagels on the edge of the desk, and the pile of books on the table with a loud thud that got the attention of few students, but no one said anything thankfully, aside from someone muttering 'nerd' under their breath, which I decided to ignore.

I take off the bag on my aching back and open it silently, taking out my pencil box to start taking tidy notes.

It's only first period, but let me assure you, I already hate today.
Like it's a big deal, I hate everyday.

Welcome to the life of a cynical soul..


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