Chapter 12: Conspiracy

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Chapter 12: Conspiracy

Alena Fleur

"So where are we right now?" I asked, looking around the lounge area of a fancy apartment complex.

"Somewhere safe," Elian replied and walked towards the elevator.

I followed after him without question.

We had managed to get rid of the police cars which had been chasing us, and after that, we were right now at this unknown place. I was sure this wasn't where Elian lived. I had been to his mansion once before.

We reached the top floor of the building and got out of the elevator.

Elian rang the doorbell of the only unit there, and soon, the door opened up to reveal a familiar figure.

"Hello, brother," Lance greeted with a welcoming smile. When his eyes trailed towards me, he added curtly, "And his employee."

"Hello," I mumbled, still not sure why we were here.

"Hey, thanks for letting us crash," Elian said and entered without hesitation.

"Anytime, Elian," Lance said. "Aren't you coming in?" he asked me.

"Um, yeah. Thanks," I said and stepped inside the luxurious duplex penthouse.

For some reason, everything felt so family—the layout, the decorations, the furniture. Did a movie shoot take place here? Maybe that's where I saw it.

"You guys make yourself comfortable. There's food on the counter and fridge if you want. There's a spare key in the top drawer of the TV cabinet," Lance informed. "And Elian, give a call to Mom as soon as you can. She's been worried sick ever since she saw the news," he added, and it reminded me that I had to give my mom a call as well.

"Will do," Elian replied while making his way to the open kitchen.

"Okay, I'm going out for a bit now. I will be back before midnight." With that, Lance left.

As soon as Lance closed the door behind him, I exploded, "Okay, now explain to me. What the fuck is going on, Mr. Storm? Why are we at your brother's penthouse?"

"Calm down, Ms. Fleur. Have something to drink first," Elian said, motioning at the juice he just poured into two glasses.

I huffed and went near him to the kitchen counter to grab the glass. I chugged down the juice, which honestly gave me relief, and asked, "Okay, now explain from the beginning, and don't cut out small details."

He sighed, leaning his back against the counter, and started, "You know the military assignment which you were in charge of?" I nodded curtly. "Someone from your team screwed us up."

"No, I don't believe that," I said firmly.

"Well, money can make people do many unbelievable things," he responded. "One of them exposed the time the trucks left the manufacturing facility, and that's how a few of them were hijacked on the way."

"No, what if it was one of the workers at the manufacturing facility? What if one of them exposed it? You know how suspicious they were acting." Now that I remembered one of them was even misplacing a box of firearms.

"That could be it as well. The workers are definitely involved, especially their in charge, Mr. Jeremy. The firearms would never malfunction if they had it tested, which I'm sure they skipped and misreported us."

I nodded in agreement.

"Also, the firearms trucks which did reach the military facilities, a few of them had illegal explosives in them, and one of them exploded, which resulted in heavy casualties."

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