Chapter 17

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The next couple days were completely blurred together. I was a machine, replacing towels on Rose’s head, shoving food in my mouth, occasionally sleeping or going to the bathroom. The funny thing is, Jag never came. Not that I was going to complain.

I lost all sense of time in the enclosed rooms. Sunflower never came back either. After around three days, Rose could get up and walk around.

“Chryssy, where’s Sunflower?”

I looked her in the eyes and saw a distant fog clouding her thoughts.

“Jag.” Was all I could get out. Why hadn’t I done more to stop Jag? What if I had been the one to stand up for Rose in the first place? Maybe, just maybe, Sunflower wouldn’t have been taken away…


I snapped out of my reverie and looked at her expectantly. She gave me a sad smile, “It’s ok, she’ll be fine. She might not look it, but Sun’s tough.”

Rose turned away and before long, her breathing went back to a normal pace.

That’s when I noticed it, the manila envelope on the counter. When did that get there? I didn’t recall Jag ever coming in.

I walked over quietly, making sure not to wake up Rose and picked up the packet. Inside the folder was a map of some office building.

Under the heading ‘objective’ were the words “Retrieve Files”.

The folder said nothing about killing. Odd.


Before I knew it, there I was, back in my seat in the limo. I was alone this time though, alone without the company of Rose or Sunflower. The office building was a huge rectangular building with monotonous rows of windows all along the sides.

In a twisted way, I was excited for this. I know it’s wrong, but I felt like I could do it. No help from anyone. All me.

I felt the weight of the gun in my jacket pocket. My fingers skimmed along the cool metallic surface. The limo lurched to a stop and my door opened.

The sun hit me but instead of being glad for the sunlight and fresh air, it brought back so many memories and sadness.

My old life, friends, family, my house, even school….

“No. I’ve got to focus,” I reminded myself. Then I pushed through the doors of the building, gasping at the sudden chill of the air conditioner.

“Can I help you hun?” A lady asked me. She sat behind a desk that was right next to the door.

“Oh, I’m looking for my err uncle’s office,” I lied. I tried to remember the office number that was in the file….

“Who’s you uncle sweetie?”

My mind raced, trying to come up with a name. Then as if God wanted to help me, the phone on her desk rang.

“Ms.Darlene? A young woman should be arriving any minute, just send her up,” the phone said.

“Alrighty Mr.Womper,” Darlene said.

“Womper? That’s my uncle!” I squealed. I grinned, hoping my grin wasn’t too fake.

“Oh! What perfect timing! Office 185, third floor first door on your right,” The secretary said with another cheesy smile.

I nodded and walked briskly down the hall, determined to find these files if it was the last thing I did. And with Jag, who knew, maybe it would be.

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