Chapter Eleven

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On particularly bad days when I'm sure I can't possibly endure, I like to remind myself that my track record for getting through bad days is 100% and that's pretty good. - Unknown

As we arrived at school about ten minutes early, Jon and I strolled down the hallway towards our lockers. The fluorescent lights buzzed above us and the sound of chatter and laughter filled the air, a familiar cacophony that signaled the start of another school day.

I caught a glimpse of Damon at the end of the hall, his dark hair falling over his eyes as he rummaged through his locker. "Hey, I'm gonna go talk to him for a sec," I told Jon.

He nodded, stopping at our lockers as I made my way towards Damon. But just before I reached him, Kirsty walked by with her usual glare fixed on her face. It was always directed towards me, but this time it seemed aimed at Damon.

"What was that all about?" I asked him, curious.

Damon continued searching through his locker without looking up. "What was what?"

"That look between you and Kirsty. She seemed upset."

Damon shrugged nonchalantly. "It's nothing."

"Really? Because it didn't seem like nothing when I saw you two arguing yesterday in the parking lot."

He finally met my gaze and sighed. "Look, Kirsty was just talking to me about an assignment we have together."

I raised an eyebrow skeptically. "An assignment? It looked pretty intense for just an assignment."

Damon hesitated before responding, "She's worried about her GPA."

I chuckled incredulously. "Kirsty caring about school? That's new."

Damon shifted uncomfortably before changing the subject and mentioning that he had to get to first period.

"I'll walk with you," I told him, reminding him that we shared the same homeroom.

Damon looked surprised but agreed as the first bell rang, signaling five minutes before the start of classes.

As we walked side by side in silence, my mind raced with questions and doubts about Damon and Kirsty's relationship. Was there something more between them that he wasn't telling me?

But then Jon's playful antics interrupted my thoughts as he handed me my forgotten biology textbook with a mischievous grin before planting a quick kiss on my cheek. His presence never failed to brighten my day.

I blew a kiss at Jonathan as we prepared to leave. He clutched his chest before dramatically sliding down the lockers.

"You're such a freaking dork," I laughed.

"Don't act like you don't love it."

"I do."

And I did.

"Get up and go to class," I told him as I tried to stop laughing.

He jumped up, picking up his bag before saying, "See you in gym!"

I waved once more as we went our separate ways.

"When did that happen?" he suddenly asked out of the blue.

The Vanishing Girls Of Willow Creek (Willow Creek, #1)Where stories live. Discover now