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***I'm posting this everywhere so I apologize if I'm spamming you.***

This is STEP ONE in my pursuit of SELF PUBLISHING! I guess that doesn't quite deserve three exclamation points and all caps, but I was trying to get your attention.

PLEASE, PLEASE. Please, please please go to my website ( and subscribe to my mailing list.

Or don't, if you're not comfortable with that. Maybe just add it to your favorites list and visit it on occasion?


I am a lot funnier in real life than my angsty writing would have you believe. I promise to be lighthearted and entertaining, and to do my damnedest to make the time and clicks worth your while.

In return for your FREE and NONCOMMITTAL subscription, you will have access to:

1. GIVEAWAYS of... stuff. Books, I guess. Yeah, probably books. Locks of my hair? Vials of my blood? My first-born child? Whatever you want! HOORAY!!! GIVEAWAYS!!!

2. Deleted scenes that would otherwise gather dust on my Google Drive.

3. Pictures of my precious, perfect angel dog.

4. My undying gratitude.

5. Little snippets of my secret real life, which is very interesting and full of embarrassing anecdotes. My dating life in particular is quite entertaining, if 'dating life' is what you would call ogling my hot neighbors from the safety of my third-story balcony.

6. I'll think of more. I'm open to suggestions.

OKAY THAT'S ALL. Here's the URL again just in case you missed it above:


<3 <3 <3


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