chapter seventeen

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"Ma'am we're done with the decorating

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"Ma'am we're done with the decorating." One of girls came up to me.

"Girl I told you to stop calling me ma'am. I'm only 17 and you're like 5 years older than me." I laughed.

"Sorry." She giggles slightly before her smile turns into a frown.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Just worried I might not find a special someone at this party. That's all." She sighs. I pulled her onto the couch sitting her down.

"Listen if it's not tonight then there's tomorrow, if it's not tomorrow then it'll be the next day. Don't dwell on it too much. When the time is right, the person will come." I patted her shoulder gently.

She looks up smiling at me. "Thank you, I need that." She pulls me into a hug.

We pulled apart and she left to go get ready. Taylor Sebastian's mom decided to pop by to look at the decorations.

"How was the party planning?" She asks.

"A little bit stressful but everyone did an amazing job." I smiled as she sat down next to me on the couch.

"That's great. Everything looks amazing."

"Yeah." I sighed and looked around.

"Honey, what's with the frown?"

"Nothing." She gives me a stern look crossing her arms. "Sebastian and I aren't on talking terms that's all."

"What happened?"

"He asked me if I was going to stop baiting and I said I don't know." I told her. I just had this conversation with Marcus yesterday.

"Ugh he's always been like that. If Sebastian doesn't get the answer he wants he goes silent. It's just a way of him processing the answer."

"Yeah I understand but it's almost been three days so it worries me a bit." I played with my fingers.

"If you think he's going to leave you, he's not. He calls me every night talking about what an amazing person you are." She tells me making me blush. I hate blushing. "He's just like his father though so I know the trick." She grins.

"A trick?" I asked. I had a very uneasy feeling about this trick.

"Well when we were younger I always answered the opposite of what Dean wanted me to say. Obviously I was doing it on purpose to piss him off but there's was always one think he couldn't resist." I listened to her as she told the story of how she got Dean to start talking to her again. It sounded risky considering it's a party and I'm going to be surrounded by other people.

"Saph, cmon it'll work." She says rocking me back and forth.

"I hate halloween parties."

"You planned this party though." She says furrowing her brows.

"Because I was bored and because Sebastian asked me to." I whined.

"Well I'm not forcing you to do it but I promise you it works every time." She grins.

"I'll think about it."

"Okay but if you guys don't solve this situation which I hope you will just give me a call and I'll come over."

"Okay. Thank you."

"No problem sweetie." She hugs me before leaving.


Should I do it?




Six hours later and I was still thinking about what Mrs. Constantine has told me.

I'm a baiter and I've done risky, very risky things but it was only when it was the bad guy and me.

I don't even know why I'm stressing about this? Is this how relationships are? Fucking stressful?

I sat in my bed fiddling with my fingers.

Did I want to wait for him to make the first move or should I make the first move?

What do I want?

This is all so confusing. Who told me to get in a relationship?

Wait... me.

I'm such an idiot.

I can't do it.

Yes I can, if I can bait a six foot tall man made of just muscle who is a dangerous dealer who carried a gun on him at all times then I can for sure do this too.

No this is different. This is my boyfriend. The one I'm going to have to marry. The man I'm going to start a family with.

At first it was because I had to but now I wanted to. Not gonna lie we'd make adorable babies.

Then I thought about what Marcus said. How I could help without the seduction.

I'm used to pissing people off.

Maybe that might work for me.

I'm gonna quit. I mean seriously I've been doing it for almost four years and I gotta quit sometime.

Fuck it I'm gonna quit. Hell I rather be cuddling with my boyfriend every night then go out baiting.

But how am I suppose to tell him when he's not talking to me?

You're probably like uh by using your words but what if he walks away and doesn't wanna listen? I wanna make him stay but without angering him.

"Do this, it works every time." Mrs. Constantine words ring in my head.

Fine. Fine. I'm doing it.

Fucking little shit.


published: december 23rd, 2020

Happy Holidays, enjoy your winter/Christmas break. Please remember to stay safe and love yourself. MUAH!

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