Chapter 1:- A New Beginning

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"Welcome to the Ferocious Shadows"

The sound of the paws hitting the soil gave a terrifying effect to the otherwise silent night. Even the crickets didn't make a single sound, as if they were as tensed as the wolf sprinting through the woods.

Whoever heard the sound of the paws, would have known that the sound resembled someone running for their life. Selena was running truly like a wild animal. Her wolf, weakened due to several reasons, had mustered up as much strength as they could to run as fast as she can.

She has been on the run for three days. All she ate was the animals she had hunted and she couldn't get more than three hours of sleep at a stretch, scared that they will catch up to her.

In her hurry to get as far away as possible from her chasers, she didn't pay much heed to the chills that ran down her spine with one of her steps. Her aim was to reach her freedom, she had just run away from one of her captives and she refused to fall victim to another. Unfortunately though, in her hurry, and because of her lessened senses, she hadn't realized that she had stepped into another's pack lands.

Selena slowed down when her wolf's lack of comfort seeped through her bones. She had her hackles raised and teeth bared as she thought it was a threat. After looking around her for a second, she noticed neither could she hear any footsteps or any growling. Her eyes widened as soon as she felt her wolf communicating to her.

'We are in another territory.'

Not a second had passed since Izzy told her their predicament when Selena heard paws thumping on the ground. She went on to full defence mode.

Three wolves surrounded her before she could blink her eye. She didn't try to attack them. As three wolves stood surrounding her ready to attack, two men walked towards her. They were both in their human forms and oozed power.

Selena focused on the taller one of them. She might have been able to take on the other ones but this one seems stronger, she isn't too sure about him. The guy was towering over all of them and must have been around 6 feet tall at least. His face was dead serious as he spoke to her.

"Shift," said the taller one. Selena still stubbornly just glared at the man. He wasn't an alpha, she was sure. A beta maybe...

"Did you not hear him, rogue? Turn. Now." The other man said.

Selena still stared right at the stronger one. She could see the confusion in his eyes and the hesitation too.

The man, who spoke first, was visibly confused. He didn't know why he couldn't speak loudly to the wolf. She was a mere rogue who had crossed into their territory, so why did his wolf want to bow down to her.

Selena growled lowly which broke the man out of his trance.

Selena transitioned and the men, except the tall one, took a step back without any subtlety. The three wolves stood at guard in case she tried to run away.

Selena observed all the men there and all of their eyes were on her too.

She was scared. Her eyes, which travelled to each of those men rapidly, were not doing much to hide it.

"Do you know where you are?" the other man, who was shorter than the one who gave Selena the shirt asked her.

Selena just shook her head, "I didn't know I had stepped into pack lands. I was just passing by. I don't want any trouble, please just let me pass."

The shorter one scoffed and shook his head, "This one sure doesn't seem eager to run," The wolves around were still growling and were ready to pounce but Selena stood still. She had hoped that if she didn't give them any reason to hurt her and if she told them she had made a genuine mistake, they'll let her be on her way. "What do you think we should do with her, Beta?" he asked now to the other man.

Survivor (#1 The Lost Crown Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang