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"Happy birthday Bella!"

Eliza appeared next to Bella and hugged her. The rest of the Cullens minus Rosalie and Emmett went to greet Isabella Swan.

"Sorry about all this, we tried to reign Alice in." Carlisle apologized with a smile.

"As if that were even possible." Esme added quickly hugging Bella. "Happy Birthday Bella."

A flash went off catching everyone's attention. "I found it in your bag. Do you mind?" Alice asked the birthday girl.

"No of course not." She replied with a small smile.

"Present time! You first Rosalie." Alice handed the present to Rosalie who just handed it to Bella.

"It's a necklace. Alice picked it out. Eliza bought a matching ring for you." Eliza handed the small gift to Bella and held a soft smile on her face.

"Thanks." Bella replies awkwardly.

Alice rushed and pulled Edward to Bella to take a picture. "Show me the love." Alice called to the couple.

She then handed Bella a bigger box, "this ones from Emmett." Bella tried to shake it around but when she didn't hear anything she turned to the man himself.

"Already installed it in your truck. Finally a decent sound system for that piece of-" his deep voice was cut off quickly.

"Hey. Don't hate the truck." Bella laughed.

"Open Esme and Carlisle's." Alice commanded while she handed the gift to the birthday girl.

"Just a little something to brighten your day." Carlisle smiled.

"You've been looking a little pale lately." Esme have her a warm smile.

Bella let out a small laugh before trying to open the small package. After a few seconds the sound of something tearing was heard followed by the smell of blood.

"Ouch. Paper cut."

Edward and Eliza looked up to their brother.


Before anyone could react Edward pushed Bella back. Hard. Before she could actually hit the wall Eliza jumped to help catch her and make sure she wasn't hurt.

"Fuck." Eliza hissed as the two girls hit the ground.

The other members of the Cullen family did what they could to restrain Jasper.

"Shhhhh. Its okay. It's just a little, blood." Alice turned around and saw Bella holding her Arm and Eliza holding her leg. Both had blood rushing out of them.

"Get jasper out of here." Carlisle commanded his kids. He raced over towards Eliza and Bella before looking back at the others. "Go."

Rosalie looked at her younger sister in anger.

Why Elizabeth?

The Cullens immediately left the room. Carlisle picked up Eliza and had Bella follow them to his office.

"I'm fine dad. I can do it. Help Bella." Eliza made herself comfortable on the table and began taking out the pieces of glass that were stuck in her leg before cleaning up her wound. She kept pressure on it and wrapped it up.

"I never wanted to have a party." Bella sighed.

Carlisle let out a small chuckle. "It's not your fault. Jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us." He finished taking every piece of glass out of her arm.

"How do you do it?" She asked the vampire in front of her.

"Years and years of practice."

"Did you ever think of just doing it the easy way?" She asked.

"Are you stitching her up? Ouch." Eliza stared as he saw the needle pierce the girls skin.

"Yes and you're going to be next if you don't hush up." He laughed at her reaction. The girl's eyes widened and she immediately stopped talking.

"No, I knew what I wanted to be." His attention went back to Bella. "I wanted to help people. Brings me happiness." He finished stitching the girl up. "Even if I am damned regardless."

"Don't say that Carlisle." Eliza spoke from her spot on the table.

Bella looked between the two Cullens. "Damned? Like hell?" She questioned. He stayed silent. "Carlisle you couldn't be damned. You couldn't. It's impossible."

"Thank you Bella." He sighed, "you've always been very gracious about us."

"So that's it that's why he won't change me?" She asked. Eliza knew what she was talking about. They've had an entire conversation about it one night. Bella wanted to live the rest of her life with Edward. As a vampire and no one was able to change her mind.

"Imagine the situation in reverse. If you believed as Edward does, could you take away his soul?" Carlisle lit the blood, glass and alcohol on fire.

Bella didn't answer him she just stayed silent.

"Let me have a look at you." Carlisle moved on to his daughter. He slowly removed the wrap from around her leg and saw that it was almost healed.

"You're quite lucky that you have these traits. Otherwise I would've have to stitch you up like I did with Bella." Bella laughed when she saw how Pale the Cullen girl became.

"Well let's hope my traits are here to stay because you are not sticking any needles in me. Ever." She stared at her father who gave her a smile.

"Of course not darling." He kissed her forehead and helped her down before walking out of the office.

"Come on Bells. Let's get you home." Eliza held her hand out to Bella and the two walked back to where the rest of the Cullens were waiting.

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