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as upset as it made meadow, she had to leave max and eleven to find heather by themselves. she knew the two were strong and could most definitely do it without her help, but she still couldn't help but worry about them. all she could do was tell them to be safe and to keep a good distance (from billy especially) incase anything was wrong. after annoying them with her advice and pleas to stay safe, she had to go pick dustin up from scoops, where he and steve had been spying all day.

what she didn't expect was to be following them outside into the rain. she didn't have a rain jacket, but she was wearing steve's gray jacket. "hey, is that where my jacket went?" steve said, a cocky smirk on his face.

"i've had it since christmas." meadow replied, smiling as he fondly shook his head. "you better be right, robin." meadow said, feeling guilty about leaving the two girls when her coworker was in potential danger.

this better be actually serious, she thought, because she wouldn't ever be able to forgive herself if something happened to el or max. her original plan had been to grab dustin, take him home, and then follow the girls to the house that eleven had seen, to help them if need be. now, it seemed they'd be working an operation that would take all night.

despite how creepy billy was, meadow didn't see him as a murderer. he had probably just gotten a bloody knee, or something. or so she was trying to convince herself, not wanting to think the worst.

"i know i'm right." robin had replied to meadow, putting up the hood of her red rain jacket. the group all made their way to the roof, crouching behind a barrier so that they could spy.

robin believed that the elevator was the key to the russian puzzle, and that whatever cargo was being sent inside was the potential threat. in their hiding position, meadow was between her brother and boyfriend, and robin was sitting on the other side of steve.

dustin had his binoculars in his hands, scanning the boxes that the men carried. "what do you think's in there?" steve asked, since he didn't have his own binoculars, of course.

"guns, bombs?" dustin replied. "whatever it is, they're armed to the teeth."

"great." steve said, rubbing his eyes. "that's great."

a garage door-like contraption opened up and meadow leaned forward a little, started by the movement. "what's in there?" she asked dustin.

"more boxes." he replied. steve began to fight dustin for the binoculars, wanting to see, too. they ended up dropping them, causing a loud thud. "fuck!" dustin cursed at the sound it made, and the four all instinctively turned and dropped to the ground to avoid being seen.

meadow had barely even noticed that she had grabbed steve's hand until he squeezed hers lightly, assuring her that he was there and fine. they left the roof, headed back down to scoops. "i think we found your russians." robin said to steve, all four teens drenched from the rain.

"now we just have to find out what's in the boxes." meadow replied.


"whatever's in this room," dustin said the next day, "whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it."

robin shook her head, not about to give up. "there's gotta be a way in."

"i could just take him out." steve said.

robin looked over at him. "take who out?"

"the russian guard." he replied as if it was obvious.

meadow did her best to suppress a chuckle. "yeah, considering how good that's worked in the past, maybe don't."

wires, steve harringtonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें