Letter to a Lost Friend.

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Draco Malfoy didn't mean to tell you.

He was content with keeping his feelings hidden. He was content with simply being in your presence, even if you were utterly unaware of how his heart beat faster when you were around. If it meant he could be around you for a little while longer, that was enough for him.

Needless to say, he knew all of your friends would disapprove of him. Your best friend Mina always warned you about "that dreadful boy Draco Malfoy", even making up false tales to discourage you from spending any more time with him. You remind her you'd known with him since the age of four. After all, it was the gossip and rumours that made you want to know him better. But Mina was always so unconvinced.

There must be a Russian word to describe what has happened between us.

And you never expected to feel the same way for him. Not this soon, at least.

You'd rejected him when he confessed his feelings, telling him you were attending the Yule Ball with someone else. You felt bad for turning him down, but to Mina's pleasure, you'd already made plans to go with your friend Nathan. However, it was when you discovered he'd replaced you with someone else that you suddenly felt strange inside. You felt sick. You had to apologise to the friend who'd invited you, excusing yourself from the dance floor. You felt like leaving the ball, all of a sudden. Something just felt very off.

And that's when you knew; that seeing him with another girl made your heart ache.

Like ostyt.

Just over a week ago, you had rejected his confession. You heard the exact words "I like you" from the boy you least expected it from and told him you couldn't return the feelings. But here you were, on the night of the ball, slumped against a wall in the bathroom crying over someone who you once had wrapped around your little finger.

If only you could reverse time and take back what you'd said to him. Perhaps he would've been dancing with you this very second, talking to you throughout the night and making unforgettable memories. The thought of him spending such a beautiful evening with none other than Pansy Parkinson made you sick. The exquisitely decorated hall, all the bright lights and beautiful gowns— every single perfected detail went to waste all because of your one mistake.

Which can be used for a cup of tea that is too hot.

"Save a dance for me?"

You shortly returned to the ballroom, knowing Mina would soon find you somehow. The last thing you wanted was your best friend finding you crying over a boy you had turned down. You've accepted this as one of your biggest regrets, realising the feelings you've kept buried deep inside. This couldn't have been too much of a surprise to you, actually. Besides Nathan, there weren't a plentiful amount of boys surrounding you everyday. And truth be told, no one stood out to you more than the young Slytherin ever did. From his witty remarks to his sarcastic sense of humour, he was the only boy who frequented your mind everyday.

Startled by the sudden request, you turn around to be met with Draco's signature smirk.

"What are you talking about?" you say, a forced chuckle escaping your lips as you feel a strange sensation spring from your chest, "Weren't you with Pansy just a minute ago?"

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