Chapter 11

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What the... You?!
Yibo looked at the guy in front of him as he had a familiar face, he go up taking his phone.

What are you doing here?!

Zhan sighed as he looked at Yibo, he was the last person he wanted to run into today, he smiled fearing Yibo would do something harsh if he did anything to make him angry.
I'm here to see my brother~ I thought of having dinner with him outside!"

Yibo looked at him talk as his eyes fell upon Xihan who ran to Zhan after seeing him.

Senior Yibo! Zhan-ge What are you guys doing here?
Xihan looked at them, he was embarrassed to say that but he was actually shipping them both together, though he knew they had some weird agreement.

I came here to take you to restaurant, Zhan said looking at his brother. 

I ran into him. Yibo said shrugging.

Oh that's great, Senior Yibo would you like to join us for dinner as well?! Xihan asked as he was excited.

Zhan was shocked to hear that from Xihan, he nudged him in his arm as one he didn't want Yibo to come and two he didn't want to break the agreement in the contract that he would not be seen with him outside. 

Yibo looked at Zhan nudging his brother, he grinned as he clearly knew Zhan didn't want him to come with him, You know what! That's a great idea, come on I'll treat you today!

Yibo said wrapping his arm around Xihan's shoulder as Xihan happily walked with Yibo, Zhan sighed as he rolled his eyes.

The day Keeps getting better and better! Zhan said in a sarcastic way. Xihan turned around to call his brother, Ge~ hurry up let's go, senior Yibo is taking us in his car.

Zhan smiled but as soon as Xihan turned back he rolled his eyes, it wasn't his first time he went in his car so he really wasn't excited about anything, he sighed once more walking faster to match their pace.



They had reached the restaurant, Zhan stepped out of the car as he breathed in relief  since he had to sit through an awkward car ride filled with silence, he had immense pain in his neck as he kept his head down to avoid the eye contact Yibo was making looking through the front mirror. Xihan who had his eyes glued on the phone was busy texting and obviously not aware of the rel awkward environment. 

Yibo parked his car and walked inside the restaurant, it was a really expensive restaurant as he walked in with attitude written all over his face, the manager rushed to him to personally assist him, it seems like he knew him from before and moreover he did seem to treat him with special care. Zhan watched everything with intense observation he felt out of place coming into such a luxuries restaurant, they were taken to the open place for VIP's and Yibo sat there waiting for Zhan and Xihan to be seated as well.

Why did you take us here? I don't think I have enough money to pay for the bill!  Zhan worried that would only find expensive food to eat and be short of money to pay the bill. On the other hand Xihan was quite happy and looked at the menu deciding what to eat. Yibo grinned at Yibo's statement. 

Fine~ I'll pay for myself and my Junior, on the other hand you have to pay for yourself! Yibo suggested coming closer to Zhan's face.

Zhan Sighed, No I'll pay for my brother as well!

Yibo was looking at the menu and busy ordering the food, It's not out of pity I'm doing this, He's my junior and I do have to treat him for a nice dinner since he had won the football match today.

Xihan smiled and Zhan was happy, You didn't tell me! Congratulations Xihan~ Zhan was very happy for his brother.

They all began to order the food and waited till it came. Xihan sensed the awkward environment and decided to talk. Oh by the way Senior Yibo how do you know we won? I didn't see you on the ground !

Yibo was scrolling in his phone and looked up when Xihan had asked him the question. My freinds were talking about the young football star who bought victory to our department.

Xihan smiled as he was happy that Yibo called him star, on the other hand Zhan was sipping the water as he had nothing to say, soon the food was served and they all began to eat.


They had finished eating and the bill to be paid had arrived, Zhan didn't see it as he had gone to the restroom to wash his hands. When he came out of the rstrooom he saw Yibo and Xihan wearing their coats ready to leave the place. Zhan was confused as he walked faster to them.

Are we leaving ? Zhan asked them, Yibo walked out of the restaurant as Xihan handed his Zhan's coat to him, Yes gege~ We are leaving!

Zhan still hadn't paid bill, he held Xihan's hand and stopped him, I haven't paid the bill yet! 

Yibo opened the car door as Xihan got in, but before Zhan could get in he held his hand stopping him from getting in as he closed the door. 

I paid the bill~  Yibo said smirking at Zhan.

I said I would pay right ?! Why did you pay?

You should be thankful that I did something out of the contract~ Yibo said leaning against teh car.

Zhan crossed his arms across his chest as he looked at Yibo, Fine! Then let me pay you back~

Zhan began to search for his wallet to pay back Yibo, Yibo blocked him to search as he pulled Zhan by his waist, this made Zhan surprised as he looked at Yibo's black orbs. Yibo grinned as his hands traveled to Zhan's butt squeezing them, licking his lips.

You want to pay me back, then I suggest other payment methods~ he cooed in his ear making Zhan blush lighty. He pushed him back a bit as he adjusted his suit.

Okay, you wanna have sex, then let us! Zhan said in a naive tone, meanwhile Yibo grinned as this wasn't the only thing in his mind.

I want a special night~ Yibo whipered in Zhan's ear as he was shocked because he knew what Yibo meant.

You mean..... 

Yes, what you're thinking is right ~ Yibo grinned as he knew Zhan couldn't say no and he would finally have the night that he wanted.


To Be Continued....

( Sorry for the short chapter, I was quite busy with online test, I'll make it upto you guys in next chapter )

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