Chapter 7

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*TW: There will be scenes of self-harm and hallucinations in this chapter. If you might be triggered, please do not read this chapter as I do not want anything to happen to you guys. Proceed with caution.*

- A m a r a  W i l l i a m s -

"Why are you not eating, Bambina?" 

"Because I'm not hungry." I replied, tugging on my sleeves.

It had been two days since I went to the amusement park, and I was pretty much hoping to never go again. Not with the twins at least. 

"Right." one of the twins said sarcastically. 

"N-no. I'm serious." I said, biting her lip and cursing myself for stuttering.

"And you're not lying." the other twin said.

"Yes, I mean no?" 

I had no idea what to say to this question. On one hand, if I said yes, it could mean that yes, I was not lying. On the other hand, if I said no, I could be agreeing that I was not lying. 

What in the world was I supposed to say to this?

Noticing my dilemma, one of the twins smirked. Why were they not wearing their colours right now?

"Mhm, and you're not lying about your sprained ankle are you?" Salvatore said, his tone full of mockery as he looked me right in the eye. 

I could feel all the colour draining down my face at his words. He knew? How did he know? 

"W-what do you mean?" I laughed nervously, my voice on edge. 

"It means that I've seen you try to hide your limp for days. Did you really think I wouldn't notice?" he said incredulously, crossing his arms over his chest as his muscles bulged. 

"W-what?" I stammered, eyes wide. 

"I have cameras around the house Amara. Did you think I wouldn't notice your limping and wincing every time you put pressure on your ankle?" he said, voice accusing as I looked shamefully down my lap. 

"I ignored it at first." he continued, "I thought that you just bumped your ankles onto something so I let it go. But as days went on, I saw your limp getting heavier, and I couldn't help but wonder if you were breaking a few of our rules." he smirked, and I paled. 

Was I going to get beaten? Were they going to whip me? Sure, they've given me examples of a few of their consequences for them breaking rules when they were younger, but they were young then. They weren't as old as I was right now, so they probably weren't stabbed or burnt yet.

"So, were you keeping your sprained ankle a secret from us?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at my right ankle. 

Better to just get this over with. 

I nodded my head hesitantly, expecting a shout of anger. 

"Show us." one of the twins demanded, and I slowly lifted my right leg and pulled up my sweatpants, showing my angry red, swollen ankle. I closed her eyes tightly, waiting for a voice of rage.

When all I received was silence however, I looked up only to see the disappointed face of all of my brothers. 

No! Not the disappointed face. Anything but that. 

"Amara..." Salvestro breathed. 

"Yea?" I answered softly. 

"Why didn't you tell us?" he asked, and since I truly didn't know, I shrugged. 

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