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Emma's POV

"She works hard for the money
So hard for it, honey
She works hard for the money
So you better treat her right

I met her there in the corner stand
And she wonders where she is and
It's strange to her
Some people seem to have everything"

I sing along with Donna Summers as her '80s concert is being played on TV. I've always had a thing for old songs. They are just so vibrant and elegant compared to the current ones. As I enjoy my mini concert in the kitchen, my doorbell rings. Is Jon already here? It's barely 7:00 PM. I wipe my hands down my apron and head towards the door.

"Emma! I really really need a big favour from you hun." Caitlyn tells me with a worried look. She is holding a small Spider-Man backpack in one hand and Liam in the other.

"Emmaaa!!!" Liam squeals as he jumps out of his mother's arms and hugs my legs.

"Hey Li Li my adorable little munchkin." I coo as I pick him and place him on my hip whilst attacking his face with kisses.

"What's the matter Caty? All okay?"

"No Emma, my mom is really ill so I gotta fly to Tucson. Danny is four states away so there's no one to look after Liam. I don't wanna take him with me. He is already feeling under the whether. So I was hoping if you could keep him for the night? I promise as soon as everything falls into place I'll come back flying."

"Oh dear I hope she's alright. Don't worry about Liam. I'll take care of him, please take your time Caty."

"Thank you so much Emma I really owe you one. Here is Liam's backpack, it contains his clothes drawing books and all the other essentials. If he's giving you a hard time please don't hesitate to call me."

"I doubt that. Li Li and I are gonna have so much fun. Aren't we pumpkin?" I ask him laughing. He nods his head vigorously liking my idea of us having fun.

"Alright honey I gotta get going. Bye baby, don't give aunt Emma any troubles." She says whilst kissing his forehead.

"Bye momma!" Liam waves at his mother.


"Pleeeeeeease Emma" Liam looks at me with puppy eyes.

"No Liam I cannot bake cookies at this time. I've already had a bunch of other things to cook bubba."

"But Emmy...." Liam says in a low voice, his head bowed down and shoulders sulking. I feel a pang in my chest looking at him. I sigh and run a hand on face.

"Okay Li Li don't be sad now. I will make your cookies alright?" I say with a smile which causes Liam to squeal and run around the house. I laugh and shake my head at his hyperactive stupor.

"But you gotta help me make them. You know I cannot bake cookies without the expert baker." I say with a pout.

"Yusss I will help you!" He says running around the kitchen gathering the things for baking cookies.The doorbell rings and interrupts Liam's frenzy.

"Coming!" He says while sprinting towards the door.

"Liam wait!" I say as I off the stove and remove my apron whilst heading towards the door. What I see next is probably the cutest sight I've ever seen.

There stands Jon in all his glory holding a bouquet of flowers looking down at Liam dubiously. Whereas Liam, looks horrified by the giant in front of him. Well I won't lie but Jon does look like a giant in front of Liam who barely reaches till his hips.

"Hi Jon I'm so glad you could come." I say as I stand next to Liam, who is still horrified, hugs my legs for his dear life and uses me as a shield. I feel him taking a peek at Jon every now and then.

"Hey Emmy" Jon says, since I've finally managed to divert his attention from Liam.

"Come in" I say I hold the door wider so that Jon can get in. He gives me the flowers and kisses my cheek. I will be lying if I say that I don't feel the butterflies in my tummy. I can feel a chill down my spine with such a simple gesture. My face is getting hot and the heat is creeping down to my neck.

"Who is this little man?" Jon asks Liam as he crouches down to his height and ruffles his hair.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I forgot to introduce you guys. So Jonny, this is Liam, Caitlyn's boy and Liam, this is Jon, my friend." Jon slightly grunts with the mention of him as my 'friend'. Well guess what? Suck it up buttercup.

"Caitlyn's got an emergency so she has left him in my care. I hope that's okay with you?"

"Of course. It's more than okay. I've been dying to meet this young hero." He says standing up whilst giving a gentle punch on Liam's cheek.

"Really?" Liam asks, his eyes twinkling with excitement for being called a hero.

"Hell yeah! Emmy has said so much about you. She just wouldn't shut up. She would keep blabbering about you all day." He says which causes Liam to burst into a fit of laughter.

"Hey! I do not blabber." I say pouting.

"Yes you do." Both say in unison. No one would believe me if I told them that Liam was terrified of Jon a while ago. They look like they've been buddies for ages.

"Well that's enough you two. I hope you haven't eaten anything since lunch Jonny, because I've made a very hearty meal." I say as I put the flowers in water.

"You don't have to worry about that Emmy. If I can't finish it, we've got our superhero here, right bud?"

"Yesss!" Liam squeals. I swear it's so easy to hype that kid up. Sometimes I wish I had a Liam of my own. It's so much better when you're around a child. You forget all your problems and get lost into their magical world. Kids make things much better. They give you a reason to live for.

"Tony!" Liam goes running towards the furry animal. Tony runs towards Liam and starts licking his face. Then he sees Jon and jumps on him, licking his face too. Thank God for Tony. He'll keep the child occupied for sometime and hopefully forget about the cookies. I really love baking cookies for little Liam. But I am exhausted right now with all the cooking I've been doing this evening.

"You look beautiful" Jon says softly since he is free from Liam and Tony. I look into his eyes and can assure myself that he means every word he just said. I can read him like a book through those hazel eyes.

I wonder if he can read me the same way.

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