41 | Tell Her

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Chapter Forty One: Tell Her

“You have some explaining to do, young lady.” Brooke says in a chiding tone the moment Steph opens the door.

“Well, hello to you too, mum. Come on in,” Steph says with a simper.

Brooke glares at her as she walks in because of the silly smile on her face. Steph rolls her eyes as she shuts the door and then proceeds to follow her to the living room.

“Anybody home?” Brooke asks as settles on a couch.

“Just my dad. He's busy in his study. Mum’s out,” Steph replies.

Brooke narrows her eyes at her with a serious -- very serious look on her face.
“Can you tell me where the hell you were last night?”

“Straight to the point, huh?”

“If you don’t start talking --”

Steph cuts her off. “Chill, B. You’re such a drama queen sometimes. I saw all your voicemails and text messages.”

“And you didn’t deem it fit to freaking call me back?” Brooke bellows.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, okay? We went to the movies and my phone was on silence. I only saw your messages when I got home and I was tired so I decided I’d call you today. Which I haven’t.” Steph explains.

“But I did send you a message saying I was fine,” Steph adds.

“Wait. We went to the movies? You and who exactly ‘cause I’m pretty sure Luke was at the party and we were looking all over for you.” Brooke gives her a questioning look.

“He was?” Steph inquires, trying to avoid answering the question because she knows the crazy things her best friend will start saying.

“Yes, he was looking for you and stop trying to evade answering my question.” Brooke glowers at her. “Who did you go to the movies with?”

Steph lets out an exasperated sigh and looks away. “It was Christopher, okay? We went to a movie theater showing Halloween marathon.”

Brooke raises an eyebrow incredulously. “Wait. Let me get this straight. So you ditched Luke to hang out with Chris?”

With the look on Brooke’s face, Steph already knows what’s coming next.

“No, I didn’t necessarily ditch Luke. After you and Cole left to ‘dance’ --” She does air quotes, “Ivy came and asked to speak to Luke privately and I gave them the privacy they needed. I found myself in the backyard and Chris came. The next thing I know, we’re heading to the movies.”

“Wow.” Brooke mutters with burgeoning excitement. She looks like she’s trying to contain her excitement and there’s a glint in her eyes. 

Steph rolls her eyes. “Get on with it already.”

“With what?”

“The teasing. Go ahead. I know you want too,” Steph urges her.

“Of course not. Why would I want to do that?” Brooke huffs.

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