Chapter 12

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The group was stopped by a few gold diggers and business partners, but the heathens weren't deterred by the obstacles. When they finally reached Marinette she seemed to be feeling better, standing on her own as she spoke with Jagged and Penny in a secluded seating area.

"Hey there again! What a coincidence!" Jason and Damian roll their eyes at Dick's awkward greeting.

"Congratulations, Marinette, uh- Ms. MDC, we're big fans of yours. It's an honor to meet you." Tim politely started.

"T-Thank you, I didn't know I had any. Marinette is fine." The girl nervously chuckled, looking towards the ground.

"Anyways, we know you know Damian and that he's been a pain but we'd like to apologize for him." Marinette seemed amused at Damian being dragged over by his brothers.

"You don't need to apologize, I wouldn't hold any of that against any of you." The boys smiled, assuming that meant she forgave Damian.

"Well, you see, he didn't really mean any of it- he was only jealous."

"Yeah, who wouldn't be, you seem great!"

"Being honest, had we been the same age- I'd probably have a crush on you too!" Dick jokes, Damian's face dropped, eyes going wide.

"What?" The youngest boy asked, they couldn't seriously think this was a feasible plan.

"What?" Marinette's eyes went wide, Damian's reaction meant one of two things: he really did like her (unlikely) or his brothers were trying to get close to her through Damian (far more likely).

"I do not hold any regard for her. I'm insulted that you'd think that!" Damian meant every word he said, he hated the girl- and their earlier statements of jealousy seemed to strengthen his hatred for her. Marinette was not impressed, crossing her arms as she looked over the boys.

"Sorry if the thought of me is so disgusting, Damian. I'll go."

"NO!" Tim said without thinking, "He's a jerk but once you get to know him-"

"I have gotten to know your brother plenty in the last semester, if you wanted a commission all you had to do was ask for my card." Marinette was about to walk away, just handing her business card to the oldest but was stopped from finishing her dramatic exit by Jagged, Bruce Wayne, and a woman. Great.

"Nettie! Perfect, this is Selina Kyle Wayne, she won all your pieces and the commission. Thought you two could coordinate before we head back to your parents'." Marinette put on a polite smile, the familiar fake smile brought back memories of smiling through the tears that stung her eyes when she got home from school, when she used to practice in the mirror so no one would have to know about how weak she was, how pathetic it was to be so affected by a single student and her goons.

"I'm Marinette, it's nice to meet you Ms. Kyle!"

"Mrs. Wayne." Bruce adoringly corrected looking at his wife like she was his world. Marinette's smile almost faltered, she'd have to go to Damian's house.

"Oh right, sorry! Thank you so much for your contributions!"

"It was my pleasure, so I know you're on break- one of my step-sons, Damian, he goes to Gotham Academy too, do you know him?"

"I think we have a class or two together." Marinette politely added, Damian scoffed.

"Well, why don't we meet in a few days? The twenty eighth? That way we can get it out of the way before you start school again?" Marinette nodded.

"Do you know what you want, I can start working on some ideas?" Selina smirks, leading the girl away from the boys telling her exactly what she wanted. Marinette nodded, writing the details down, they returned to the group and Mr. Wayne tried to steal a glance at the notes but it was covered by his wife.

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