Slytherin • Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

Chapter Six

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Y/n's P.O.V

Even though it was for a split second I knew it was him.

Harry Potter.

This was going to be a good year.

"Are you serious?" Blaise said as we all laughed at a joke Emaline had said. "Yes! Completely." she giggled.

"Alright everyone back to your rooms! We will see you all tomorrow!" The professors said bidding us all goodbye.

I stood up following the group of new friends I made.

Blaise and Em walked hand in hand leaving Draco and I to fall behind. "Looks like I don't have to third wheel alone anymore" he said motioning to the couple in front of us. "Haha very funny." I said with a groan.

"Password?" the painting asked.

"Pureblood" Malfoy said, basically dragging us in.

Should have guessed it.

I walked into the Slytherin Common Room as my eyes widened. It was amazing. It wasn't bright at all, it was dark filled with the colors green and silver. "You like?" Blaise asked, noticing my expression.

"Love" I said excitedly.

"Well it's time to part ways my love" Blaise told Emaline making Draco and I pretend to barf. "We will meet you guys for breakfast tomorrow morning bye!" Blaise said walking away with Draco.

"Bye Emaline. Snape." Draco nodded towards me before disappearing.

"Roomies!" Emaline squealed pulling me to the girl dorm rooms.

"Who else is with us?" I asked as she walked into a room. "No one suprisingly" She said smiling as I looked around the room.

I looked inside and saw two beds in a rather large room. I saw my stuff already put inside.

I ran over to my side, saying a spell to make my clothes put themselves away. "Hey no fair! I had to unpack when I got here." Em said flopping on her bed.

"Too bad so sad" I laughed, crawling into bed.

Whiskers quickly jumped in after me snuggling into the covers. "Night Y/n" "Night Em".

I woke up to Emaline shaking me.

"Y/n oh Merlin, please wake up, are you dead? OH MY GOSH SHE'S DEAD!" She screamed and jumped on me.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I told her rubbing my eyes, pushing the girl off of me.

"The boys should be here any minute now!" Emaline said and that's when I finally noticed she was fully dressed.

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" I yelled out, starting to panic.

"I tried to." she scoffed.

I rolled my eyes getting up and changing into our uniform skirt, and a black button up sweater.

I looked in the mirror before nodding approvingly.

I brushed my hair out before making my bed. "What's taking Blaise so long?" Em said annoyed. "Calm down, you are way too obsessed with each other." I told the girl with a chuckle.

"Oh shut it. Anyways, you never told me what your first impression of Draco was?" She asked.

"Oh are we talking about me?" Draco said, with a smirk on his face coming in with Blaise following behind him.

"You wish." I replied sarcastically, throwing a pillow at him.

"Hey!" he scoffed, throwing it back at me.

"Aren't the boys not allowed in the girl dorms?" I crossed my arms.

"So what? I'm a rule breaker." Draco said with a wink. "Are you guys ready cause I'm starving" Blaise said, looking at the both of us. "When are you not hungry." Emaline giggled standing up, linking her arm with mine.

We walked out of the room and headed to go eat breakfast.

"How come they have pumpkin juice and we don't?" I asked, groaning. "Because he's the chosen one." Malfoy mocked, shaking his head.

"That is not a good enough reason. Look those twins have like four of them, I'm going to go ask for one." I said starting to get up.

"No!" Emaline said, pulling me back down. "What. Why?" I was confused.

"Do you really want to drag all that attention to yourself?" She said, giving me a serious look. "Actually I do. Plus it gives me a chance to meet the chosen one." I said mocking the blonde boy.

Chapter Six done!!! Yayyy!!! Hope you guys enjoyed! Plzzz vote and comment!🤍

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