Chapter 18

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Mia's pov


There comes a time in a girl's life when she gets all dolled up to meet the person she's fawning over

There comes a time in a girl's life when she dreams about her perfect date with that perfect someone

There comes a time-

"What the hell are you doing!?" Zack hissed

I peeled my attention away from the dressing mirror as I turned my stool around to face my brother who was leaning against the door frame

"What?" I asked

The soft droplets of the rain continued to slide against the glass windows, dashing into the side of the house with its might, trying to make sure it was known. What a lovely day for it to rain. Just perfect.

"Chad? Like seriously!? Even a KYLE would be better" He scoffed

"Don't stereotype him-"


"Keep your voice down" I hissed

"I will not! You're not going on that date with him!"

"And who are you to tell me who I should or shouldn't go out with?"

"I'm your brother and clearly I have eyes in this situation" He said

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that I'm the only person clearly seeing what's going on except you" Zack grumbled

"I still don't know what you're trying to say" I said as I crossed my arms against my chest

"Chad isn't the one. Don't let him be your firsts, you're just going to end up heartbroken and tossed aside like trash because that's what HE does. You just can't see it because you're blinded by his fluffy ginger hair and dimples for some goddamned reason. He literally looks like the human Garfield, is that why you like him!?" Zack yelled

"What the hell Zack!" I hissed

"Mia, what the hell is wrong with you!?"


"No. You're clearly fucking crazy if you think that Chad even wants to be with you. He just wants to fuck around with you Mia. Why can't you see that!" He yelled

A familiar feeling pierced into my heart, clenching at my veins tightly as if it wanted to tear it apart

"So I'm not good enough for him to want me?"

"Jesus Mia, that's not what I mea-"

"No. It's exactly what you mean. I'm not good enough for someone like that right? A jock who's confident and smooth wouldn't be with a short, shy and dumbass cheerleader will he?" I scoffed

"I wish you could hear yourself right now, you sound fucking ridiculous" Zack spat

"yeah well the street goes both ways" I mumbled before turning back around in my stool

"Jesus Mia. Why do you have to be so difficult" my brother groaned

"I made up my mind. I have a date in a few minutes and you're interrupting me" I mumbled as I leaned over the counter, applying a light blush against my cheek

"He's not coming to pick you up. What kinda shit is that!?"

"It's called 2020, I don't need a man to escort me to a date" I mumbled

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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