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Chan <3

I really love fall weather, what about you? It's finally November, I couldn't be more excited. California weather isn't as cold as I hope for at times though, but it's definitely enough where I can finally wear hoodies and beanies again.

I usually end up stealing them from my brother, but I don't think he minds.

I love when it gets cold out, when I hear Christmas music on every radio station, it makes me all warm inside. WAIT. Speaking if which.

You really keep my picture on your phone case?

My heart melted when I heard that. I hope you don't get teased too bad by your roommates about it, I know my friends are relentless whenever I read your letters in from of them. What are your friends like? Do they work with you at JYP?

Sorry for all the questions, there's just so much I wanna know about you. Maybe I should ask Mark if he remembers you, how common is the name Chan?

Besides the point.

I 100% want to listen to your music. Please send it over if you can! I'm sending you my favorite art piece i've done this year. It's an abstract minimalist piece, but I think it's nice.

It's called 'The Lovers' it's what I imagined soulmates were like before I met you. I hope you don't think it's too bad.

But then again, you continue to slander J.one in my presence so i'm not so sure about your credibility Chan. Sure CB97 is AMAZING, but you're forgetting the versatility J.one can bring when he's in his element. I kinda feel bad for spearb, we should include him more in our letters, what if he can feel himself getting left out of the conversation?

Wow, you can really tell i'm running on an hour of sleep in this letter.

Until we speak again.

-Your Jae<3

I laugh looking at the letter in my hand. I bet Changbin will end up liking her a lot. That is if I can muster up the courage to tell her.

I'm going to have to eventually, I just don't know how to even start.

Her letter was very all over the place this time, it's like she was writing exactly what she was thinking. She definitely needs to get more sleep.

I take the picture she sent out of the envelope and unfold it.

It's a drawing, very simple on aged paper. It's of two people, they're both nude. The girls arms are draped across the mans and they're just laying down.

I smile.

She made this. It's what she thought love would be like, I wonder if she's made any now that we've talked?

Is it love? Or just a connection? I want it to be love, but can you really love someone you don't know. As I struggle further with the concept someone walks into my room.


Do all of Got7 just have keys to our dorm?

"What's up Bambam?" I ask.

"Mark told us Jae's your soulmate." he laughs sitting on the bed.

I show him my phone case as confirmation.

"Has everybody except me met Jae at this point?" he just laughs.

"Have you told her yet?" he asks. "It's a lot to know Chan."

"I don't know how to tell her." I admit. "What if I end up scaring her off?"

"Come on bro, I doubt that'll happen. Jae is one of the chillest people i've met. She doesn't freak out over idols like most people." he tries to reassure me. "Just ease her into it, tell her bit by bit until it's obvious who you are."

"Alright, ill try my best." I sigh taking out a piece of paper.

"Good luck." he says before walking out.


Is it too cliche to say that I always feel cold without you here? Probably.

You need to focus more on your health, no sleeping only one hour a day, and make sure you're staying warm. I'm sending you my favorite hoodie, hopefully it'll keep you warm and healthy during the cold season.

Fall is amazing, I wish you could see the seasons changing in Korea. It's truly a sight. Especially during Christmas, me and my roommates have a tradition of building our own Christmas tree.

They're great guys. It's 8 of us in total, it gets pretty hectic sometimes but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

They all work with me at JYP.

Most of my friends are from there. I basically grew up at the company. 3racha works for JYP, so that might be why I have a bias, cause I work with them. As for Mark, that's a whole different story i'll tell you in the future.

You just gotta wait a little longer.

-Your Chan.

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