Chapter Forty-Seven: Tech Week on Tuesday Through Sunday

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The first show was in a week, that means they had Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to adjust to the stage, perfect there performance, and know every cue as if they could do it in there sleep. That left Monday for rest, since usually the theater is dark, and the the next Tuesday for opening night to all producers, sponsors, family, and high profile people. It was tech was musical theater hell. 

On that Tuesday, Penny went into costume, make-up, and hair, and told the ladies about the situation. They demanded for the young woman to undress and some them. So behind closed doors, she slipped off her pants and stood in her underwear as they all gathered to look at her wounds. Some of the deeper cuts where dressed up in gauze and Band-Aids, but most where too thin to need anything. 

The final plan was to use Band Aids, cover them in foundation, and put on tights. Thankfully, her long white go-go boots covered a majority of her cuts, but some slips out above her knee. 

Tuesday morning was a little slow, since the priority was on the crew and working with the sound, stage, and lights. So almost all the girls gathered into the dressing room while they practice hiding her cuts and asked about the man who dropped Penny off. 

"It was my husband," Penny said simply, like she didn't just drop a bomb on all of them. Suddenly she was bombarded with question about him and how they met. Thankfully, when Addison joined them, she helped cover some of the story. Once the story started to make sense for the girls and the other crew members, they left her alone. However, only after they are introduced to mysterious hubby. 

Everyone was done up in makeup and hair, and after lunch they ran through the first act of the show. Or at least tried too...

The lighting crew, sound tech and orchestra, and people in charge of set changes worked very hard. It was basically the first time everyone was working together and Diane and Yoora started to stress out. It was a lot and the show was in a week. Everything had to work perfectly. 

Penny and the rest of the cast worked very hard to be as accommodating, patient, and amazing. Every time Diane paused to get a sound or light cue correct, no one on stage complained. They stood, sometimes fouling around with the people beside them, and waited to continue. 

All the girls and even the director gave Corey eyes all day. Not fun, flirty eyes, but like "you are going to die" eyes. Everyone must have heard how he stalked the poor girl. They all seem to forget the fact that he saved her life, but Penny is happy that the tidbit is forgotten. She doesn't like remembering how she basically owed him. 

Wednesday morning hair, makeup, and costumes was done for the purpose of teaching the cast how to do it on their own. Most of the women did pretty well and caught on fast. Thomas was experience in theater and could do his own foundation but the extra age lines and grime took sometime. Adam was basically done in ten minutes since he had the least makeup. Corey didn't have too much but he complained constantly to the hair and makeup team about doing it. Even though it didn't take a lot of effort, it took almost as long as the women's complex glittery eye shadow. 

Afterward, the cast and crew spent the rest of the time working on Act Two, working overtime until three, then eating lunch. Everyone was tired, sluggish and hungry by two, but they kept working. Soon, people became irritated and impatient. 

The rest of the evening, the crew worked together with some of the cast, mostly Penny since she was on stage the most, to fix common mistakes. This meant that the woman had to repeat scene after scene, never getting a break. 

That night, she barely talked to Quentin and just crashed the minute she got home. 

Thursday Penny actually canceled her weekly therapy with Aubrey. The show was in a crucial and fragile state. So they ran through the show as many times at possible, having everyone yelling at each other for every single mistake. Diane was starting to become ruthless. She would scream at the smallest mistakes and make everyone go back a fix them. 

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