16. Confession

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Can you all clarify me that are the earlier chapters of this book visible to you all?

Hey Guys🌺Can you all clarify me that are the earlier chapters of this book visible to you all?

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Third Person POV

Pihu and Prayan both were lost in each other's eyes when they heard someone calling Prayan's name.

They both turned towards the source of that voice, to see it was none other than Sahil standing there. Prayan's fists were tightly clenched, his jaw tightned remembering what his friend did to the girl standing besides him. On the other hand Pihu was lost, she was feeling as if someone has punched her--- in her guts. Not even in her wildest dreams she had ever thought to meet Sahil again. The mere existence of Sahil was enough to make her feel dizzy. All those horrid memories were flashing in front of her eyes.

However Sahil was astonished and exuberant to see Pihu standing there. His mind wasn't able to comprehend anything. He just wanted to win her back at any cost.

Prayan realised that Pihu was feeling anxious and uncomfortable, therefore he placed his hands around her waist, to assure her that he is always besides her.

"Pihu" Sahil whispered which was hardly audible.

Prayan breathed and said "Sahil, we need to go we are getting late. See you some other day."

Prayan motioned Pihu to move but her legs were feeling jelly and she wasn't able to move from her place. All the haunting memories were taking a toll on her.

"Prayan what are you even doing here, and why is Pihu with you? How do you even know here?" Sahil asked, his eyebrows raised. He was practically glaring at Prayan's hands on Pihu's waist. He wanted to be in place of Prayan.

"This party is organised by my company, therefore my presence here is obvious. Also my relation with Pihu shouldn't concern you. Not when, you broke all the ties with us and decided to elope from the reality." Prayan retorted harshly. He wanted to desperately leave this party with Pihu because he knew that she was at the verge of breaking down.

Sahil was bewildered to hear his best friend speaking against him but he knows he has to make everything right but first Pihu was his priority.

"Pihu I want to talk to you--" Sahil said but was cut off by Prayan.

"She is not interested in talking to you, now move---"

"Are you Pihu? I am asking her not you, and moreover who are you? Is she your girlfriend? Is she your wife? No! Right? Then leave us. Because what we had in between, you can never have the same with her." Sahil interrupted in between.

Prayan's heart was aching when he realised that Pihu hasn't uttered a single word and was just mindlessly looking at the floor. Pihu's lack of response and lack of attention was killing Prayan and he felt that whatever Sahil muttered was probably right.

He unwillingly removed his hands and stared at Pihu but she was standing there blankly. He sighed and sauntered towards the exit. His Chest was feeling heavy and eyes were Welled up with tears.

"Pihu I---" Sahil started explaining his self but was cut off in between my Pihu.

"You are right! Whatever we had I cannot have the same relation with Prayan You know why? Because the relation which I had with you, was more of a one sided relation where it was only me who used to like you, on the other hand you played with my heart and broke it to the point where it couldn't throb again. But when I met Prayan my heart started thudding again. With you I was just living, but with Prayan I am loving myself and my surrounding. You are right whatever we had I cannot have the same with Prayan because he knows how to take care of my fragile heart, unlike you. Hence, Mr Sahil Ahuja I do not want any explanations from you regarding our past, and I wouldn't appreciate if you meddle in my present----which is Prayan, So stay away from us." Pihu replied and hastily sprinted outside in search of her love.


Pihu was panicking, she was aware that she has hurt Prayan badly and for sure Prayan would be upset. She was yelling his name loudly so that she could find him but all in vain. Her eyes welled up with tears and her vision was blurred.

Soon her eyes fell on a trembling body standing against a black limousine that she recognized as Prayan. Pihu walked towards him trying to keep her throbbing emotions at bay.

Prayan felt a sudden movement behind him, and turned to see that it was none other than---- Pihu.

"What are you doing here? You should be with Sahil. What's more important to you than him?" Prayan uttered.

"You"---- "You are important to me more than anything." Pihu whispered back.

"What?" Prayan asked her out of astonishment and excitement.

"It's always been you Prayan. There is no one other than you. Falling in love with you is euphoric. It's like a serene feeling. I thought I would never be happy again, never fall in love again, but you were the one who broke the walls which I created around me. My heart was furious at me for blocking you and today when I saw you again my heart wanted to confess it's feelings to you. Prayan I love you so much. I do." Pihu whispered, she gently leaned in and kissed Prayan's cheeks.

To say Prayan was shocked would be an understatement. He was overwhelmed with the little confession of Pihu---his Pihu.

"I love you too Pihu" Prayan whispered.

They kept on staring into each other's eyes which were full of love, admiration, passion and excitement. Unable to control their feelings anymore, they both leaned in for a passionate kiss. Their lips moved in sync, causing butterflies to explode in their stomachs. It was only ecstacy which was rushing throughout their body. Pihu and Prayan both felt right to be with each other. They were yearning for love and warmth which they finally got in each other's arms.

The stars shining radiantly above them were the witness of their pure love which was to stay forever.


At last we have Pihu and Prayan's confession.💙 What are your thoughts regarding it?

Is anybody feeling bad for Sahil?🥺

•Is anybody feeling bad for Sahil?🥺

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