Chapter 8-Dont Touch My Food

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(Oliver POV)

"There's only one time I ever chased after someone with the intent to kill them,"  Atlas causally stated as we walked past the shop windows, glancing inside at their wares. "When was that?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow while a serious look crossed his face. "He tried to steal my food." I pout as I turn away. I suppose this meant I could only get away with taking the jacket, but not his meals. I return my attention to the task at hand; this place trapped us here, they better have good food.

With each second that passed, I couldn't help but notice a change in Atlas' mood as he grew impatient. I suppose you could say he was becoming hangry... And a hangry Atlas was a nightmare to deal with. Not finding a better alternative, we decide to return to the coffee stall where we'd first been reunited. "You know, some people should really appreciate the effort I put into not becoming a serial killer," he points out as a man bumps into him, passing in a hurry towards a woman he was with. Dear god, someone give this boy some food before he goes on a killing spree... "Stop that. You're getting your food, so shush," I reassure him handing the barista money before taking our goods, sitting just outside the door. Atlas doesn't waste a second, quickly sitting down and devouring his share of the food.

We both pause as a loud ringing sound vibrates through the entire station. Finally! A train was coming! We look around, expecting people to start stirring, but no, there was nothing, it was like they didn't even hear it. After a few minutes, no train materialises, only the mindless wandering of the other travellers surrounded us.

"... Surely I'm not the only one that heard that?" I asked, turning to Atlas, who looked just as confused. He shrugs, suggesting that it was only a test run before returning to the rest of his meal. Wait... I feel like some of mines went missing... Don't tell me he stole some when I wasn't looking. "Alright, new plan!"Atlas began out of nowhere, feeling myself fill with dread at the mere mention of it. "Hell no, you are not making any more plans. I'm not getting arrested again," I shout out, pointing my finger in his face, only causing him to instinctively bite it. "Don't be like that, I was just going to say we could follow the tracks out of here!" I stare at him, completely dumbfounded. "Aye right! Then a train comes, and get squished." He laughs sarcastically, "alright, then tell me my significant other half, who's always pessimistic, when was the last time you saw a train arrive here?"

I paused as I thought about it... He had a point; I haven't seen a single one. None at all. Then again, I haven't seen the elderly couple I had spoken to previously either, they must have gone somewhere. There isn't really anywhere here you can hide in this place. I look over at Atlas who was still waiting on a reply, smiling because he knew he was right. "I hate how observant you are," I remarked and he continued to smile innocently. "Oh, do you now?" he replied tauntingly. "Yeah, I do. In fact, since you're so observant you can go search yourself, ta-ta," I say, waving as I walk away from him. Like always, I never got far before the universe decides 'fuck you' as Atlas proceeded to grab me, flinging me over his shoulder. I didn't even have a chance to react since he'd completely caught me off guard.

"Not a single word" I quietly cuss as Atlas continued to go on his merry way, like he didn't have another human draped over his shoulder. There was a blissful moment of silence before he decided to open his cocky mouth again, "so, how was your trip?" I cry out, trying to smack him as he continued towards the track, laughing. "People will watch us, look there's signs over there saying out to go on the track, we're not supposed to do this..." I point out, feeling deflated. I hate public attention. "That's not gonna be a problem, they've been watching us since I flung you over my shoulder. Which is by the way, now dead." Yet, for some reason, he still continued to carry me. Now would your man ever do that for you because you're too lazy to walk? Yeah, I didn't think so. "I might be too lazy to walk, but I would appreciate not being stared at for my laziness." Atlas just shakes his head as he reached the end of the platform, only darkness ahead. I tried to get down before Atlas jumped down onto the track, but his grip on me tightened as he jumped down.

I'm not gonna lie; I did scream, but you

never know! Atlas could have dropped me

at any second! I was still clinging to him when he started walking into the tunnel. "Oliver, I would appreciate it if you retract your nails from in my flesh, I do feel pain you know?" He joked. "Really? You could have fooled me. you'd play a amazing part in Terminator." Which is true, even he had to agree as he gave it a thoughtful nod.

"Does that mean if you were a terminator, you wouldn't care if you had to kill me?" I asked out of curiosity. He turns to look at me, confused, yet his answer was so honest and pure.

"I could never kill you. I love you too much for that... I don't know what I'd do without you, I'd probably kill everyone else if I'm being honest..."

"Wow, I didn't know you could be romantic" I say with my face aflame, staring at him in awe. He responds with a wink, "of course I can be, but only for you sweetheart"

We'd been that lost in the moment we hadn't noticed the brick wall that stoped us from walking in further. It was a dead end...

How?! How can it be a dead end?!?


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