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Azaan had an extremely long day and would have an even longer one tomorrow. It was the final day of negotiations for taking over a sinking shipments company. The irony.

He fell head first into his bed and had fallen  into a dreamless sleep immediately, but not before kissing his wife and sons goodnight. It is for them that he's doing what he's doing.

What was it that woke him up at this ungodly hour of, he consulted the bedside clock 4:12 AM!

Then he heard it. The small whimpers coming from the crib by the foot of their bed. His son was awake and no sleep was worth more than him.

Azaan straightened Bakhtiyaar's legs which were on his chest and left him to cuddle with his Mama. He covered them both properly and laughed at the picture they presented.

Faiqa and Bakhtiyaar were both sleeping in a weird position, with their mouths hung open and drooling, their hair resembling a bird's nest and the quilt almost laying down on the floor.

And his wife says that their older son is not like her!

He kissed their heads and admired them for a few minutes. Faiqa had now engulfed Bakhtiyaar in her warm embrace, her legs thrown over his little body. Even Bakhtiyaar couldn't get enough of his Mama's love and he snuggled in his mother's chest.

She was most probably smothering him but that's just how his babies sleep!

The whimpering brought him back from his adoration spree and he jumped down from the bed with a spring in his step. He went and peeked into the crib and his heart felt full at the sight.

Shahveer was sucking on his toe and now looking at him with his big honey brown eyes brimmed with unshed tears. He would never get over these little miracles that are his sons. He absolutely loved his children.

Azaan picked his son up and swayed his little body quietening his sobs down, but not soon enough because he felt his wife stirring and looking at them with half closed eyes.

" Zaan? Veer utha hai kya?" Faiqa asked in a sleep laden voice.

" Yeah, I think he's hungry" Azaan deduced from his son's action.

" Give him to me, I'll feed him" she yawned.

Faiqa disentangled herself from Bakhtiyaar and laid him in the center. She then sat up by the headrest and asked for her child.

Azaan sat behind her and laid Shahveer's body in her awaiting arms, supporting him as Faiqa was still in a sleep mode.

He kissed the side of her head, went ahead to open her back zip and adjusted her dress so that his son could feed. He then settled his wife's head on his shoulder and rested her back comfortably against his chest allowing her to rest.

" Zaan?" Faiqa mumbled sleepily. She just wasn't in her senses and was absolutely unaware of her surroundings; a heavy blanket of slumber engulfing her mind.

" Yeah baby, I've got you" Azaan again kissed her hair and she went back to sleep on his shoulder.

He then shifted Shahveer to the other side and when his son had his belly full, he carefully detached him from his mother's nurturing hold, wiped away the remnants of milk, cleaned her properly and readjusted her clothes.

Holding his son in one hand, he laid down his wife on her pillow and she immediately coiled herself around their older child and promptly went back to her Dreamland.

Azaan wanted to go back to bed seeing as he has to attend the meeting in an alert state of mind but his son had other plans. After having his hunger sated, he now was wide awake and most probably wants to play.

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