𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖕𝖚𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝕾𝖓𝖆𝖐𝖊

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Chapter 12 :
Manipulative Snake

SAI was starting to feel tired, he has been running for more than two hours straight. Not bothering to take a break, he's determined to arrive at Konoha as soon as possible. Naruto is literally in danger, the best thing he could do now is to report everything to the Hokage.

Due to him being exhausted, he unfortunately lost his balance. He harshly landed on the hard grassy ground.

"Shit ..." Sai whispered breathlessly while he take the image of his right ankle bent in a direction it definitely shouldn't be, already starting to turn yellowish purple.

He didn't mind the immense pain and grabbed the trees for support, he weakly walked not putting pressure on his injured leg. At this rate, he won't arrive at Konoha any time soon, he needs to patch up his foot first.

Sai groaned and start to muttering string of curses. He don't have anything with him right now, other than his brushes and scrolls - he could make a bird. How come he didn't think of doing this earlier?

Probably because he was panicking.

Just when he was about to draw a line, he heard a loud laugh, "Well ... What do we have here?." A deep masculine voice said.

The skinned artist immediately tried finding where the voice came from, "A Leaf Ninja, huh?." The voice stated.

"Who are you?." Sai shouted, a Kunai was already in his hands.

"Do you not know that you're trespassing out territory?." The voice question, "I was just passing by." Sai reasoned.


Sai heard some loud rustling sounds, before he felt a hard slash on his nape. The last thing he knows is he's being picked up by a unknown stranger.

"Master would be happy to see you."

Unbeknownst to Sai and the rogue ninja, a small short snake stealthily slip out of the said artist's scroll, the snake was crawling hurriedly to Konoha.

Naruto is not in his greatest moods, because of three reasons. First, he still feel pain on his hips and legs. Two, he's hungry, he didn't get to eat yesterday. And lastly three ... he's really hungry.

Meanwhile Sasuke who was carrying Naruto is feeling nervous, he sure don't have any excuse on why Orochimaru is the one who's at Suna and not him, he's just going to blame Orochimaru.

Once the said Sannin finally stop, Naruto decided to look around. It was dark, he could barely see anything. Maybe that's one of the reasons why Sasuke decided to live with him, if it was not for the huge machine and the small torch at the corner this room would be very dark and cold.

Naruto watch in awe when Orochimaru suddenly did some familiar handsigns, "Release!." Orochimaru exclaimed. The huge bookshelves suddenly slide on the corner. Revealing a small door, Naruto curiously turn to Sasuke, who just looked unfazed. He probably know about this.

Orochimaru didn't bother telling them to follow him, he just went to the door and opened it.

Sasuke then finally put him down, Naruto took this as a chance to admire Orochimaru's lab. Books was neatly arrange on the bookshelves, while the scrolls was littered on the desk, and the ink was, some of the scrolls was soaked in black ink. The desk was a mess.

"Please sit down." Orochimaru said while he stir three cups, Naruto hesitantly sat down on the small stool, watching Orochimaru's every move.

Orochimaru completely ignored Naruto's gaze, while he sipped on his cup, "Perfect" he muttered.

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