Chapter 34

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Ava's POV

"They're coming"

We didn't have time to react or prepare as an army of wolves charged in our direction. I saw a bright flash of yellow from the distance heading towards me, but due to shock I was rooted in my position. I couldn't move, I didn't even blink as the yellow glow came right for me.

Instead I closed my eyes and waited for the impact, and when I felt none, I opened my eyes. The yellow glow was gone, it didn't hit me.

But how?

That's when I heard it. I heard someone groaning on the ground in pain. I cast my eyes downward and away from the chaos to focus on an injured Jayden.

Just like last time, there was a big hole in his shirt where the energy burned through. The only difference with now and then was there was a hole in his torso.

"Jayden" I cried dropping to my knees beside him, tears forming in my eyes.

"Why did you do that?" I asked frustrated.

"I couldn't let anything happen to you or the baby" he wheezed out.

"I can help" I raised my shaky hands over his torso.

"No. Get those who can't fight to safety" he grabbed with hand, pleading with me with his eyes.

"I can't leave you here. You'll die" I cried.

"I'll be fine." He finished coughing up blood. That wasn't very convincing.

"No you won't. There's a fucking hole in your torso for crying out loud. You're going to bleed out of I don't heal you right now" shouted frustrated.

Why couldn't he just let me help him?

"The people need you more than I do. Now go be the Luna I know you are and protect our people"

"I can't leave you" I sobbed.

"I'll be fine" he assured me with a painful wince.

"Just hold on. I'll be right back" I stood to my feet.

I put up a wall around his wounded figure using my power, before I left him. I didn't want to leave, but they needed me more than ever, since their alpha was wounded.

I gathered those who weren't able to fight and swiftly led them to the bunker, while the pack warriors tried to hold off the enemy. As soon as they were safely tucked away, I would be back to help fight this war.

I sealed the bunker when everyone was safely inside and left just as quickly as I came to help those who were fighting.

Moving through the mass of chaos, I often had to blast wolves with my power when they attack me, or any of my fellow pack members. I knew for a fact that they would die, because normal wolves or you could also say low ranking wolves couldn't survive a blast like that.

My main priority was getting back to Jayden. I could feel him slipping away as the seconds pass. I knew that he was fighting to stay alive, and I wasn't going to let him die.

I was finally on stage where I left his wounded body lying on the ground protected by a barrier. As I moved closer, I could see someone circling around the barrier, no doubt trying to find a way to get to him and finish him off.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" I warned, my blood boiling with rage.

"Ava, it's so nice to see you again" that voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't figure out where I've heard it before.

The owner of the voice turns around to face me and I gasped in shock.

"You!" I accused.

"Yes me" he smiled proudly.

"Are you even his brother?"

"Half-brother. Our slut of a mother had me first before she found her mate. She then ran off with him leaving me behind"

Jayden growled at the mention of his mother.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because your mate here killed my father" he spat.

"So you want revenge? Why are you dragging all these innocent people into this?"

"Collateral damage" he shrugged.

"You're sick, you know that" I gritted out through clenched teeth.

"Sick, insane, call it whatever you want, but I'm not leaving without his head on a stake."

"That's not happening" I declared getting ready to attack.

"Thought you'd say that" he smirked.

I didn't even see it coming. I only felt a powerful force, which sent me flying off the stage. I landed hard on my back. I brought my hands to my small bump, praying that the baby was ok.

"I hope you're ok in there. Mama has to save daddy" I whispered to my bump getting up off the ground.

It was time to put an end to this.

Just like at my old pack, I felt an overwhelming feeling take over me as I summoned all the power I had. My eyes glowed as my feet slowly levitated off the ground.

I was now about 50 feet off the ground. I could see everything. It broke my heart to see all the bloody bodies on the ground belonging to both sides.

Wanting more than anything to put an end to this, I used my power to seize all movement. Everything came to a halt except for Jayden's half-brother on the stage.

I slowly flew my way over to them.

"If you kill me, I'll kill him" he said pointing the gun to an unmoving Jayden.

Tilting my head to the side, I smirked before I blasted him with my power. When I was satisfied that he was dead, I halted my movement and watch his lifeless body fall to the ground.

With a wave of a hand I unfroze everyone. I used my power to drag them to the stage where I announced the death of their leader.

"Your pathetic excuse of a leader is dead. Now you could either leave peacefully or suffer the same faith" I declared.

Every single person in the crowd got down on their knees and bowed in submission.

That's what I thought.

Casting my attention once more to the stage, I slowly lower myself back to the crowd. I took down the barrier surrounding his body and knelt beside him.

I quickly got to work, using every last drop of energy I had to heal him. I watched as the hole that was once on his torso close. When he was fully healed, I watched as his eyes slowly opened blinking up at my tear stained face.

"I thought I lost you" I cried hugging.



We're almost at the end...

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