The Butchering of Friends

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(Amelia Garcia)

Inari stood on the stairs and glared down on us in complete silence.

"Killing the competition, I see." Morgan pointed to Inari's dagger, which was wet with blood.

"I didn't kill anyone," Inari said. "I only incapacitated them."

"Let me think," Morgan tapped her chin." If I wanted to incapacitate someone with a knife, how would I go about doing it? Oh I know, I'd carve them up like a turkey!"

"Stop it. The injuries weren't that bad."

"So you admit to doing it?"

"Everyone was doing it to everyone!"

Morgan glared at Inari. "Cuchulain keep your gun trained on Inari; if she moves, shoot her."

"What do you think you're doing?" Inari tightened her grip on the knife.

"My job," Morgan answered. "Or did you you forget that I was a professional hero?"

"Tell me, Death Meister, what kind of hero starts a riot?"

"It was going to happen anyway."

"The gasoline may have been everywhere, but you were the one to drop the match. The crowd was peaceful until you created your skeleton. The people may have chose to riot themselves, but that doesn't change the fact that you motivated them to do so. I won't lie, I did cut up some people, but you are responsible for the chaos that hurt so many more."

"I only did what was necessary. The crowd wasn't just in my way, it was also interfering with the work of the police, as well as other heroes. Starting a riot wasn't my intention, but I did what was necessary to get into Coffin. My priority was securing Night Reaper before he found a way to escape."

"The chaos you created provided plenty of opportunity for him to do just that."

"If you think playing the blame game will get you out of trouble, then you're sadly mistaken."

"So what happens now? You arrest me?"

"Why wouldn't I? The bloody knife, witness testimony, and circumstantial evidence would be more than enough proof to justify arresting you. Then I could tell the police that my team helped me bring you in, and my teammates would receive financial compensation. Of course, it'd wouldn't even be a fraction of Night Reaper's reward, but it's still a consolation prize. The way I see it, every decent person wins; my team gets some money, the people you hurt get justice, and Grimm would finally be free of you."

Snow and Cuchulain looked at each other. Arthur and Chenoo became silent as the dead. Morgan mention earlier, that Inari and Grimm were in a relationship. At the time, I dismissed it as unlikely, but not I was having doubts about my previous doubts.

Inari began shaking. In a low voice, she said, "What did you say?

"I'm saying you're dead weight," Morgan said in matter-of-fact tone. "Grimm is a powerful magic-user, more powerful than even me, and yet you limit his ability to fight alongside the rest of us; you, a lowlife kitsune who never contributes to the well-being of the whole guild, and instead focuses solely on herself and her own interests. Now that I think about it, I think your magic nullification is a good representation of you as person; a person who never builds themselves up, but instead tears everyone else down. I offered you a place on my team so you'd have the chance to be a part of something greater than yourself, but, as usual, you didn't contribute and you took away someone who does. "

Inari stopped shaking. Her grip on her knife wasn't just tight, but absolute. The knife was sharp, but her glare cut deeper than any blade ever could.

"And this is why I never joined you or your cult. You think that because you're a hero that makes you the moral authority, even when you demonstrate lack of care or concern for others. You think you're a hero because the big, strong government backs you up like you're royalty. You act so high and mighty that you forget the reason why mercenaries are here, killing each other; it's because we're desperate!

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