1. Morning Dramas

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"5 MORE MINUTES." I yelled back, but my mother kept banging on the door. I got up and ran to my door to save it. If it broke then, I wouldn't be able to watch anime in peace and some random person would barge into my room and kill me. That would mostly be my mom.

I opened it and saw a furious mother glaring at me. I nervously chuckled and looked away. Staring into the eyes of the devil isn't good. Especially this one.

"Hehehe. I got up," I said and I rubbed the back of my neck. She continued to glare at me and pushed me aside. She walked in and began to collect my dirty clothes which were lying on my bed, the table and on the floor. I took the opportunity to run away and take a shower before she starts complaining about how disorganized I am.

School! That's the one thing I can't stand. There were cockroaches and centipedes, but school was the worst of the worst. I mean—who likes school? All day long you have to study and study, do home works and there is absolutely no nice kid in high school, except for my friends. And the teachers there keep pressuring me to study more. How can one study if there brain is stupid? Makes no sense right?

I finished taking a quick shower and I saw my mom making my bed. I feel sorry for her for having such a lame ass son like me. I am handsome and all, but I am not smart at all. You can say I am the dumbest person born in our family. Our entire family is like legit smart. Even the dead ones. I was probably the first dumb kid born in this family. I can't score good marks and common sense is another thing I don't have. Maybe that was because my brain cells lost hope in me and jumped out of my ear and ran away. 

"Thanks mom," I said and she ignored me. At least say 'Welcome'. How hard is it to say one word? Maybe ignore is the new welcome. And that exists in my mom's dictionary, only.

I quickly found a black tee shirt and ripped jeans. I wore it immediately before my mom looks at the naked me. Even though she is my mom, I can't let her see my private parts.

I remembered last time when I wasn't wearing a tee shirt, she ended up teasing me that I had a fat belly. It wasn't fat at all. It was average. And when she saw me with abs, she fed me till I became as fat as an elephant. Apparently, she said that I looked like an insult to all the men who had muscles and abs. Rude. 

Now, she is making me reduce weight because she doesn't want others to think that she gave birth to an elephant. Mean lady.

I quickly packed my books in my bag and hurriedly cleaned my room even though my mom cleaned most of it. My dad hates messy room and so does my mom. 

"Hurry up or else you will be late for school," my mom said and I nodded.

"What made you get up so late?" my mom asked me and I gulped. If I tell her I stayed up till 3 am watching anime, she would change the Wi-Fi's password. But that wasn't the actual reason. It was that gorgeous dream I had.

"I had a dream," I said and looked at my mom. She nodded and I continued, "It was an amazing dream. There was this princess locked in a cave and I was the gorgeous prince riding my white horse. She was kept as a prisoner by a monster and I was told to save her by her father, The King of Random Kingdom. And so, I marched through the scorching desert, the biting cold and finally, reached the dense forest where the princess was kept. But, the monster who had kidnapped her was actually a man who was cursed to be a bad monster. He said that the only way to break the curse is to kiss the monster and only a true love's kiss can lift the curse. Since I fell in love with him and he too, fell in love with me, I kissed him and he turned into a gorgeous man. We were going to marry, but— YOU CAME AND RUINED THE ENTIRE THING. WE BOTH PLANNED THE WEDDING WITH SO MUCH PAIN."

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