Bring Him Back

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Percy woke up in his berth at Tidmouth, he looked outside and then looked next to him as James's berth was empty. Percy just couldn't stand looking at that. Things just aren't the same without James on the team.

Thomas woke up next to him.

" Percy, are you okay? " - Thomas

" I don't know. I miss James. " - Percy

" I do too. This just isn't right without him here. " - Thomas

" I know. " - Percy

" Has he found a job yet? " - Thomas

" I don't know, we talked yesterday and he said he was gonna a job soon. " - Percy

" Imagine him working at like the docks, or the SCCC, or even the waste dump. " - Thomas

" He could do those places. " - Percy

Apparently James couldn't do those jobs.

" I'm gonna go find him. " - Percy

" What about work? " - Thomas

" Caleb can whine about it, beside, he did this to us. " - Percy

" Yes he did. James will show him I bet " - Thomas

Percy smiled a bit and went out to look for James.

Percy spent like the last hour looking for James, and couldn't find him. He was getting worried.

He stopped at a signal and Hiro stopped near another one.

" Hey Hiro. Have you seen James? " - Percy

" No I haven't Percy. But I did hear about what happened to him. " - Hiro

" This is all Caleb's fault. " - Percy

Percy eventually went to every place on Sodor to find James.

" James? James? " - Percy

He continued looking for him.

It wasn't until Percy stopped near the docks and found out about James working there.

" He started working here? " - Percy

" Yeah, and he ended up getting fired after like 10 minutes of starting. " - Porter

" I saw the whole thing, and it was something. " - Cranky

Percy glared at him and continued on, and he then found his way towards the SCCC, where he found out about James there.

" James worked here too? " - Percy

" Yeah, and the dude fired himself. " - Bill

" We could have fired him first. " - Ben

Percy sighed and was starting to figure it out. He kept going around, and then made his way to the waste dump, and found out about the final job James had.

" You guys fired him? " - Percy

" Our boss isn't here. We had too. " - Scruff

" He just didn't fit. " - Whiff

Percy was starting to get scared. James had 3 new jobs and got fired from all the time, well technically not the 2nd one, but still. 

At this point, Percy had searched all over Sodor and could not find James. Percy sprinted back to Tidmouth to tell everyone.

The other Steam Teamers were all at Tidmouth and Percy came in very fast.

" You guys! James is gone! " - Percy

James Gets FiredNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ