Chapter 11

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---Kind of graffic descriptions. Suicide---

We were all put in pairs, according to the people who had the same jobs. Arron stayed with Dean. Kate joined Sam. I was with Jacks. Cain was to stay in security as he had nearly all jobs on his laptop. He would be under video surveillance the entire time. When he wasn't in security, Jacks would accompany him.

We were not allowed to separate. We feared if we did, someone else would die. Even in bathrooms, the partner was to stay outside if the door.

Jacks and I stayed in navigation the entire day. We did have individual tasks, which made it difficult to stay in pairs, but we made do.

We did not lose a life for an entire week.

Then, day 8 after Barrack's death, I was going to the restroom. Jacks and Sam where outside. Kate was inside, going to the restrom too, but she wasn't moving. I heard nothing from her, either. No breathing. No peeing. No rolling of toilet paper. 

"This whole thing's weird, huh Kate?" I said, washing my hands. She didn't respond. "Kate?"

I knocked on the stall door, but it wasn't locked. It swung open to reveal Kate's body. Her suit was bloody and her helmet was on the toilet roll holder. She had a gash across her neck, and she was holding the bloody knife used in her pale, still hand. Her eyes where glossy and empty.

I screamed.

Jacks and Sam went into the room, panicked. I pointed at Kate. Jacks pressed the emergency button on his Jacket.

"All personnel report to Cafeteria." He said into his mic. It sounded in my space suit, too. He inhaled with a shaky breath and added: "We have another body."

We all filed into the cafeteria, somber. I was still shaken. Kate was dead, and I had seen her. I had talked to her body, thinking she was alive. The whole time her lifeless form had been slumped on the toilet, bleeding out. It was enough to make me almost cry.

We removed our helmets and looked at each other's stricken faces.

"Where?" Cain whispered, eyes wide.

"Bathrooms," Sam said. "S-she killed herself. With a knife."

"Barrack's death was too hard on her." Jacks said, sadly shaking his head. 

"Oh my god," Dean said from beside me. 

"I know. Two deaths in two weeks?" I said. "This is insane. And why..."

I trailed off, but everyone knew what I was getting at. Why had Barracks been killed? Had it been an accident? A fight that escalated? Accident or not, Kate was now dead because of it.

"We have to retreive the.... body." Sam said, shuddering. I nodded.

"I'll help." I said. We stood p and left the rest to think. I helped Sam carry Kate and place her next to Barracks. I volunteered to clean up her blood as Sam found a sheet for Kate.

I was almost done scrubbing when a drop of blood splattered onto my hand. I looked up. There was a vent right above me, and there was a small drop of blood ready to fall from one of the holes.

I stood on the toilet and pushed on the vents. I didn't know what else to do. I didn't have a screwdriver to open it, but-

It swung open. It hadn't been screwed shut. Weird.

The vent was clean and dark. Air wooshed in, making weird, chilling noises as it bounced from wall to wall. My hand slipped on something wet.

A hand print. 

A bloody hand print, now smeared beyond recognition.

Kate hadn't killed herself.

Someone had killed her.

And the bastard had used the vents to get away.

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