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Leanna didn't really have anything to get ready with for the party, so she went straight to the studio.

As she appeared outside of the two doors, she walked through revealing the three boys coming up with their plan.

"Ok boys, we have the gig at 9 o'clock. Julie will hate us if we miss it so we gotta be quick." Luke said to the other two boys.

"Hey Lee!" Reggie said as he looked away from the two boys.

"Hey guys, I had no where better to be so I'm here." Leanna said with small giggles.

Leanna made her way to the couch and sat down, explaining to the boys what happened at the beach.

"Yeah Lee, your an amazing surfer." Alex said with a smile.

"Dude how would you know? Your always hanging out with willie." Luke said while raising an eyebrow.

The two gave eachother a look and Alex said "well we were walking around the beach and saw a big crowd by the water and Lee surfing. Willie said that us three and Lee are the only people who are dead that can be seen by lifers, besides Caleb.. his friend who's party we are going to."

"Wait, no one else can do that?!" Leanna asked totally confused.

Alex shook his head no and said "nope, just us. Now can we go, willie asked if we'd be in time and it starts soon."

Everyone nodded their heads and poofed to the club. It was really nice there, a lot of people and a great setup.

"I think we're a little over dressed." Luke said while fixing his bleached denim jacket. Leanna laughed as she looked around to see everyone in dresses and suits.

Leanna however was wearing a tank top with some shorts and a messy bun since she can't go anywhere to shower and cleanup.

"Hey guys!" Willie said, appearing next to the four ghosts. "I just talked to Caleb, he's super excited your here! Come on, let's go sit!"

"Aright, but we have a gig at nine, we can't miss it." Luke said, reminding willie since he probably was told about it by Alex.

"Yeah no problem, cmon the shows about to start!"

The four of them looked at eachother confused as they sat at the table, right in front of a stage.

Suddenly, music started playing and dancers appeared out of nowhere. Then, a man was floating in the air.

"Did you miss me? Me too!" The man said as he lowered himself to ground level.

The guy started singing a song about Hollywood. He wouldn't take his eyes off of the table that Leanna and the guys were at, which freaked Leanna out a little bit but the guys didn't seem fazed by it.

Once the song ended, everyone was clapping and applauding the man. Then, he appeared at their table with a smile.

"Enjoy the show?" He asked looking to the group.

"Y-yeah man that was awesome!" Luke said totally amazed.

"Thank you, I'm Caleb. I hear you guys have some magic too. Tell me about it." Caleb said to the group.

"W-well I guess you can call what we have magic.. w-willie and I-." Alex started saying nervously.

"Oh no, he means about people seeing you." Willie said to Alex, earning a nervous laugh.

"Anyways, what exactly is this magic?" Caleb asked.

"You see, me and the boys can be seen whenever we play music with our friend Julie. And Leanna can be seen whenever she's out surfing." Luke started to say.

"And we were wondering if you'd help us become visible to our old band mate. He stole our songs and didn't give us credit so.." Luke continued.

"I'll see what I can do. Hungry?" Caleb said as he snapped his fingers, food platters appearing on the table.

The boys looked amazed, so did Leanna. As ghosts they were never able to each food so being able to eat again is a big thing.

Everyone stuffed their faces, enjoying the night. The got to talk to other people, caught up on what's going on, and danced.

At one point, even Luke and Leanna danced together. Reggie and Alex knew they had some type of thing going on, or at least they would in the future.

But, that ended quickly when the clock struck twelve. Luke noticed the time and got all of the boys attention freaking out.

"Guys we have to go! We are late to the dance!" Luke said, basically dragging them to the exit, Leanna following.

"Where are you all going?" Caleb asked as he appeared infront of them.

"We have a gig.. we are late and gotta go. Amazing patty though!" Luke said to the man.

"What about my offer, about joining my house and and going around the world on tour." Caleb said disappointedly.

"We are sorry Caleb but like I said, we already have a band." Luke said, starting to get a bit annoyed.

"Aright, well come back any time, and my offer is always available." Caleb said as he shook everyone's hand, leaving a stamp.

"It's just a club stamp, so you can get in." Caleb said as he saw everyone's confused faces.

They all nodded and ran out of the club to Julies school. Leanna followed along because she honestly had no where better to be.

As they ran into the school gymnasium, Reggie smiled and said "we are ready to rock this school dance! which is over.."

The four of them looked around to see the gym empty and an upset Julie sitting under some balloons.

"Where were you guys?! Please tel me it had nothing to do with getting back at Trevor." Julie said clearly upset.

"Whaaaaat? Nope never." The three boys said, earning an angry face from Julie.

"You guys are ridiculous! You knew how much this meant to me. You know how embarrassing it is to let your whole school down. I knew this was a mistake." She said about to storm off.

"Y-you mean the dance right..?" Alex nervously asked.

"No. Joining a band with you." Julie answered, running out of the gym.

The four of them looked at each other, the boys upset they let Julie down and Leanna upset because Julie was upset.

They all talked about what they should do, but then got shocked by a really strong pain, causing them to fall.

"What was that..?" Leanna asked as she held her stomach where the shock was.

"We ate 20 pounds of food without a stomach, I'm sure it's just the after affects." Luke said as he got up, helping Leanna up.

Leanna, Alex, and Reggie all nodded hoping Luke was right, and went back to the studio for the night.

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✔️My Rockstar |Luke Patterson|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang